A senior State Department official said Friday that the US was looking at building relationships with Southeast Asian nations to “push back” against China in the South China Sea.
Daniel Kritenbrink, the US assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific affairs, made the comments when discussing Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s upcoming trip to Indonesia, where he will meet with foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) from July 15-16.
“In our view, it’s not a matter of getting countries on board with the US view. It’s a matter of working with our ASEAN partners to advance our shared view and vision for the region, and to push back on behavior that runs counter to that vision and to those principles, including the many irresponsible acts that we’ve seen carried out by China over the last several years and in the last several weeks,” Kritenbrink said.
The South China Sea has become a potential flash point for a conflict between Washington and Beijing. The US has increased its military presence in the disputed waters and has pledged to intervene if Philippine vessels come under attack in the area. China, the Philippines, and several other ASEAN members have overlapping claims to the South China Sea.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin spoke with his Philippine counterpart last week and reaffirmed that the US-Philippine Mutual Defense Treaty “extends to Philippine public vessels, aircraft, and armed forces — to include those of its Coast Guard — in the Pacific, including anywhere in the South China Sea.”
While the US and the Philippines have recently taken steps to increase their military alliance, other ASEAN members are not eager to take the US’s side against China. The ASEAN has also struggled to coordinate a response to China’s claims and activity in the South China Sea since members have their own outstanding disputes.
US Wants Southeast Asian Nations to ‘Push Back’ Against China in South China Sea
i guess it will all depend on who has the bigger carrot and/or the bigger stick
LOL. Did you also notice he called them “partners?” Also, why do they use the words “carrot” or “stick?” Why the phallic fixation? …Oh, that’s what you’re supposed to do with a partner? (Sarcasm)
“It’s a matter of working with our ASEAN partners to advance our shared view and vision for the region…” Do all our ASEAN partners share our view and vision for their total destruction in a catastrophic war, while we ensure US hegemony? That would be strange and almost impossible, wouldn’t it? (Sarcasm alert)
The only possible way to end the wars is if and when the military refuses to fight, but that Adolph Eichmann syndrome of, “I was only following orders,” is the universal excuse of the universal soldier. And, the brass from the Joint Chief’s on down “just follow orders” given by the one who appoints them, and they also reflect his policy and agenda.
The likely scenario, given past history: By ‘election’ or otherwise Washington installs its Taiwan puppet who then declares Independence; China invades and US/ASEAN are formally asked to come to their assistance.
The countries with claims on waters that China has shared are their waters, “…..are
not eager to take to take the US side”?
Sure they may not be “eager” but they are contesting China’s expansionist desires on their waters so they are on the US’s side but are trying their hardest not to make China mad.
They know the US won’t actually fight China over their waters like they might in the Philippines so why do as Joe’s handlers want?
I really hate D.C. and Langley. Will someone please nuke the two. The world would be so much better if they would just go away. I am so sick of the bullying by my country. It is stupid.