Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said Thursday that Russian forces repelled a Ukrainian attack in Ukraine’s southern Zaporizhzhia Oblast as Western media outlets are reporting Ukraine’s counteroffensive has officially begun.
“At 1:30 am, the enemy made an attempt with up to 1,500 troops and 150 pieces of armor from the 47th mechanized brigade to break through our defense,” Shoigu said, according to the Russian news agency TASS.
“The enemy was halted in all four directions and retreated with heavy casualties,” the Russian military chief said. He claimed that Ukraine lost “30 tanks, 11 infantry fighting vehicles, and up to 350 personnel.”
Shoigu’s claims haven’t been confirmed as Ukrainian leadership is keeping quiet about its offensive plans. A US official told The New York Times that it appeared the “main thrust” of Ukraine’s counteroffensive has begun.

US officials said earlier this week that the Ukrainian offensive likely started as attacks were reported along the front in the eastern Donetsk oblast. But on Thursday, Western media was full of reports that said Ukraine’s counteroffensive has now officially started.
Ukraine’s counteroffensive was expected to focus on the southern Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions to sever the land bridge Moscow had secured from Crimea to the Russian mainland.
The US and NATO have helped prepare Ukraine for its counteroffensive, and some reports say German-made Leopard tanks and US-made Bradley Fighting Vehicles have been spotted near the frontlines in Zaporizhzhia. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley explained on Monday the massive support the US and NATO have provided Ukraine, including “training and ammunition and advice, intelligence, et cetera.”
Burning Panzers in the Ukraine…what year is it again?
Nazis fighting Russians….
I never let myself forget that the ultra-nationalists are actually a small minority, or that a preponderance of AFU soldiers fighting in this counteroffensive were inducted against their will.¤tTweetUser=NOELreports
Seems like it’s repairable to me…
Oh sure, should buff right out
Flex Seal?
Edit: On a side note: I’ve caused this very scene so many times in the Combat Mission series that it’s nice to know I was somewhat accurate.
You should’ve included the rest of “Big Serge’s” Twitter feed. He makes a lot of sense. You cherry-picked as usual to artificially reinforce your position.
“You should’ve included the rest of “Big Serge’s” Twitter feed. He makes a
lot of sense. You cherry-picked as usual to artificially reinforce your
Oh really?
What position is that exactly?
You know what? I made an assumption that I shouldn’t have. Apologies.
So, what exactly was your point/position?
If you want a point/position, read competent analysis such as Rybar, or Simplicius. I’m just adding info that most people don’t get to see.
Posting without position. Interesting.
lol you must be new around here…
Really? Tell You what. I’ll make another assumption because you take the cowards approach to debate.
You make what you believe is a witty statement about panzers burning in Ukraine. (This make you think you’re profound.) I post a comment producing a video showing one Leopard that seems to have repairable damage. You — passive-aggressively — post a still pic showing Leopards and Bradley’s with considerable damage. You omit a rather insightful analysis from the original Tweet, which then makes it seem like there was a Ukrainian rout. You then suggest I get info from Rybar — a Russian-supporting website.
You are definitely a tankie but you’re a timid one. I’m new to commenting here but I’ve been coming here for years. I only started commenting because of all the tankie crap being espoused. Still friends?
lol wut
edit: is that a sock puppet upvote? roflmao
Did you actual read the string of tweets that you posted?
That’s pretty funny.
Burning Panzers in the Ukraine…what year is it again?
Tick tock, tick tock, where are the hands on the nuclear clock?
90 seconds to midnight. (!!!)
You know, the doomsday clock might be more credible if they restricted themselves to doomsday scenarios that are actually plausible. Considering Luddite fantasies about AI as being in the same category of Nuclear War doesn’t upsell the threat of AI; it downplays the threat of Nuclear War.
I think you make some very relevant points.
Indeed – their website mixes the real and terrifying prospect of nuclear war, with not only sci fi AI, but also climate paranoia and bird flu. It’s not a serious way to consider the topic.
Exactly. Nuclear Weapons are very real and very tangible and have actually been used against civilian populations. Can’t say that about the other “doomsday” scenarios.
Of course, the chatterr about AI dangers, chatter even Kissinger chimed in, has all the hallmarks of Luddite fantasy of Western powerlesness at the final breakdown of colonization in all of its forms. Fantasy that is soothing, as the use of nuclesr weapons is suicidal and they do not want to die. But perversely, downplays the danger of nuclear annihilation. And this may be the only way the self-appointed masters would go into that night.
Yes, the clock is running a little slow. A more realistic forecast for our near future includes the following:
1) Human population grows to 10 billion by 2053 (30 years).
2) No more cheap oil; world oil price = $90/barrel by 2050.(
3) No more cheap nitrogen fertilizer. Ammonia is synthesized using natural gas; natural gas production will peak between 2020 and 2060 (
4) Peak phosphorus arrives around 2030: no more cheap phosphorus fertilizer (phosphorus is mined from limited mineral deposits;
5) No more cheap food for hungry world population (see 1,2,3 & 4 above)
6) Scarcity of fresh water. Clean water is already scarce and climate change (including glacial melting) will make it worse.
7) Climate change brings increased heat, drought, major storms, flooding, and rising sea level.
8) Inter-nation conflicts due to all the above, leading to resource war (e.g., between India and Pakistan over water from the Himilayas).
9) Wars between nations armed with nuclear weapons (see #8)
I could go on, of course, but these alone are enough to move the doomsday clock from minus-90 to minus-10 seconds, at least.
Have a beautiful day! Because, it’s always the only day you have!
Your malthusian fantasies have been wrong every single time in the past. They will be wrong again. And I will laugh.
See you round in 2055, when the world will still be turning, because it turns out that there are multiple lines of production for all outputs in our economy, and we’ve never actually run out of any resources ever.
You’re “energy skeptic” has made a number of patently absurd claims. Why should I believe him on anything when he’s claiming that “And only oil, coal, and natural gas can generate the high heat of up to 3200 F needed in manufacturing for cement, steel, ceramics, microchips, glass, and many other products.”
And what is his evidence that “only oil coal and natural gas” can get hot? because “Charcoal from biomass doesn’t scale up, and makes lower quality products.”
So he checked ONE alternative used in medieval times, and concluded that “nothing works”. Well, I guess if the world were full of geniuses like him, perhaps he’d be right, nothing would work.
wow oil could be $90/barrel by 2050?
in 2008 it was about $140/barrel.
i have noticed a trend = when a republican is POTUS the price of oil drops until a democrat is POTUS and the price magically shoots sky-high. i think that i can explain that trend =
republicans want to expand the drilling for oil and cut taxes for the likes of chevron/exxon etc. so Big Oil inc encourage the voting for republicans by lowering the price of oil.
democrats always stifle the new drillings and insist that chevron/exxon et-al pay their fair share of taxes so Big Oil inc discourages the voting for democrats by increasing the price oil.
the reality is that neither republicans nor democrats control the price of oil. another reality is that Big Oil inc exports more oil from the US every day than it imports. always has always will.
the little people (“voters”, ha) of the US literally do not need to tolerate the continued spoiling of the environment by Big Oil inc because if the US needs more oil then the US should prevent Big Oil inc from exporting their oil just to make their huge profit, that democrats think should be increasingly taxed.
Okay, the price of oil is volatile and unpredictable in the short term, like other commodities. My point is that oil will continue to be consumed at a high rate, but we are past the point of peak oil production. For that reason, the base price (cost of production) will increase. Here’s an analysis from the US EIA:
ok i wasn’t trying to argue with you, but if oil is only $90/barrel in 2050 then we will be stylin’ over here
Another way to look at those pesky humans is they’ve already figured out how to grow their own tractor fuel while also growing organic food, that means no fertilizer or herb icides.
Thanks RT.
It’s the end of the world.
… As we knew it.
Welcome to the new Multi-polar World.
Nah, it’s not DJ but…. A tad scary.,catastrophe%20it%20has%20ever%20been.
A time of unprecedented danger:
It is 90 seconds to midnight
It is not just “Russia says”, a number of video evidences appeared everywhere about the catastrophic outcome of the first four days of Ukrainian “counter offensive”. The losses are huge. They were repelled everywhere and stay in the same place where they started from.
“Russia says”. Exactly. Ground appears to have been taken back by Ukraine. How much? It’s unknown yet. Fog of war. Seems like a Leopard was destroyed — probably by an anti-tank mine or artillery. Those are things we THINK we know. You tankies already have the Russians on their way to Kyiv. I would caution you all to wait for more information before you declare the war over but that’s not how you guys operate.
Ground appears to have been taken back by Ukraine. How much?
Oh, I’d say 6′ x 3′ times the number of Ukrainian KIA.
Independent war mappers are reporting it as well. It seems it has stalled across most of the front lines. Nothing gained. Russia is even striking the back lines of the Ukrainian positions.
NATO couldn’t get past the first line of defensive. Humiliating.
And you know this because Russia said so…
“”And you know this because Russia said so…””
and who told you that it wasn’t so?
Ahh…the conundrum of the misinformed. “Who says I’m not right?”
As I wrote, we THINK we have an idea of what’s going on. I don’t KNOW anything yet. Neither do any of you but the ignorant believe if they repeat their BS enough they can will it into truth.
what you actually said was =
“And you know this because Russia said so…”
you implied that Russia is either foolish or lying and that by implication the rest of us excluding you are fools or liars.
If you repeat what the Russian MOD puts out then, yeah. I won’t imply you’re fools or liars. Ill say it.
Zelensky is now talking peace, its over, hes done.
If Russia doesn’t get him and present him to the Hague then the Banderite Nazi’s will hang him from the nearest tree, as they have threatened to do.
Biden the fool in the White House has lost, he to will be presented to the Hague to answer for his many many crimes against humanity.
OK. You keep trying.
Will not happen.but it’s a good idea.
From your lips to God’s ears, as they say…
It was a suicidal mission. Perhaps some lunatics hoped for a miracle.
Or you start to believe your own lies.
What lies?
US propaganda lies.
I learn about what is going on over there mostly from independent bloggers who are, in their turn, relying on their sources from the battlefields.
By Ukraine and the west.
Many offensive charges lose more in battle as the other side is hunkered down and destroys the attacking force as they are exposed while attacking. Not quite like ‘Pickett’s Charge’ at Gettysburg but in most cases when it comes to a ground attack, the attacking force usually loses much more than the side in defensive posture. From a strategic perspective, if Ukraine’s offensive has been repelled with substantial loss of life on the Ukrainian side, there will few options left for Ukraine/NATO/U.S but to escalate as their best option to put a smiley face on the situation will have come and gone.
Very true.
That’s one reason why I wasn’t expecting much in the way of an “offensive.” The Ukrainians staking much on large-scale offensive action seems like it would be a big mistake. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t do it anyway.
When your opponent has more manpower than you and is openly thinking in terms of attrition, the defensive is the preferred posture. For example, I’ll be surprised (if we ever find out for sure) if the Russians lost less than twice as many troops taking Bakhmut as the Ukrainians lost defending it.
Well maybe, time will tell.
“Russia Says It Repelled Large Ukrainian Attack in Southern Ukraine A US official said the ‘main thrust’ of Ukraine’s counteroffensive appears to have started”
Russia has satellites, infrared search and track (IRST), drones, and Human Intelligence HUMINT for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR).
This allows killer drones, artillery, and aviation to target and destroy Ukrainian or any other forces on the ground.
This is what happens when Blinken and Victoria Nuland dictate military policy instead of working diplomacy.
The Victoria Nuland Attack Brigade! Hahaha
If those numbers on those tanks hold then Ukraine only has a few weeks of effectiveness from armored vehicles before they are destroyed.
Even if those numbers are inflated a bit, Ukraine needs to accomplish something and dig in before the spend their wad and do it quickly.
Soldiers die in war.
Given that media is now openly saying that the Ukrainian offensive is aimed at severing the land bridge to Crimea it makes them look more culpable for the dam destruction. They can now focus all their efforts in Zaporizhzhia without fear of the Russians making an attempt to cross the Dnieper at Kherson.
Great analysis. That’s all the evidence we needed.
No improvement in that reading comprehension problem I see, but then it’s hardly required for /sarc.
Only a dullard would think that in this fog of war they could know for certain who destroyed the dam. I was just adding a data point. I am sorry that it seems to have offended your sensibilities.
Lets see if this is the last hurrah before the waring sides get to the negotiating table. Hopefully both Putin and the West will tire of this bloodshed. With Western arm supplies dwindling and no real gain by Ukrainian forces on the ground. Without a larger WEST engagement with more NATO troops and arms. We are headed for a stalemate.
Why should the Russians negotiate? Why not just keep grinding down NATO forces?
Putin’s military is lacking. He too will run out of young conscripts to send to the slaughter. Putin will also need a lull in the fighting or at best a cease fire agreement to rebuild his military form the bottom up.
Months of planning, billions spent, massive training and equipping campaigns and 4-5 days its over with a massive defeat to Ukraine? NATO couldn’t get past the first line of defensive.
This is a total humiliation for NATO. The best money Lindsey Graham ever spent. What a psychopath. What an embarrassment.
And yet he keeps getting elected.What does that say about South Carolina and our political.system
South Carolina also gave us Biden. We have much to blame on them.
Isn’t Colbert from there too?
Please excuse if I am repetitious to you; I have posted the Hugo Chávez government system evolution to a more real direct democracy with my addition before. A direction is indicated here
For starters; ignorance, indoctrination, but the fact is if one looks at elections and sees that some groups are easily manipulated to vote for the same guys and girls because they have a ‘D’ or ‘R’ beside their name, because of skin color, rich versus poor or some other reason that the miscreants use to divide and therefore conquer their targeted group. Of course money comes into play and is probably the main reason incumbents are rarely voted out. For what it’s worth, elections hardly matter anymore as the election fraud is so blatant that they hardly bother to hide it any longer.
Zelensky is taking orders from his sponsors, he has no choice. He delayed “counteroffensive” as much as he could.
If the Russian MOD numbers since the beginning of the war were true. The entire Ukraine and NATO armies would not exist by now 🤷🏽♂️
As compared to our MSM which has Russia soundly defeated and Putin near death.
I assume that Zelensky was expecting to drum up more support by demonstrating how handily Ukraine can take ground from Russia in this latest counteroffensive. But things aren’t going as well as they did last summer. Ukraine’s losses are so severe at this point that some of his supporters may finally be wondering if they are throwing good money after bad.
The Cossacks are brave and fierce warriors indeed, but unlike the Russians, they don’t use much of a gray matter.