Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY) said Wednesday that he “wouldn’t care” if Ukraine used American-made F-16s to strike Russian territory despite the risk of such an attack escalating into a direct clash between the US and Russia.
When asked by Epoch Times reporter Liam Cosgrove if he was concerned about the potential of Ukraine using F-16s to hit targets inside Russia, Nadler said, “No, I’m not concerned. I wouldn’t care if they did.”
Nadler said it was unlikely Ukraine would use F-16s to attack Russian territory, but Cosgrove pointed out that US-made armored vehicles were used in a cross-border raid in Russia’s Belgorod region that was launched on Monday.
“That may be, but they’re not gonna use major weapons. Things like F-16s, they need for air defense over Ukraine so that they can provide air cover for their counterattack and things like that. They’re not gonna waste it in Russia,” Nadler said.
So far, there’s no clear timeline for when the F-16s will be delivered to Ukraine. President Biden signed off on European countries delivering the Lockheed Martin-made aircraft, but Ukrainian pilots still need to be trained, and estimates for how long that will take vary from a few months to up to two years.
Russia has said providing Ukraine with F-16s brings “colossal risks,” a warning brushed off by President Biden. In the early days of the war, NATO chose not to provide Kyiv with fighter jets over concerns Moscow would perceive the move as the alliance directly entering the war.
Well, this guy is a NY Zionist. Why should he care about America’s security. We know where his loyalty lies.
I wonder if he is a dual citizen, swhich should be disallowed in elected and policy making positions in federal, state, county and city governments, public utilities, or opinion forming media.
Precisely the sort of talk that shows the need for Zionism
Anybody suprised? Things are not going well for the Project Ukraine zealots are eager to destroy pesky Rus barbarians.
But the conflict so far has not yielded results. Russia is not behaving as expected . Not much harrasing Kiev regime, moving methodically, focusing on fortified areas, and wearing out defenses. In fact, it is not Russian army doing the fighting, but private conractractors, Wagner.
Attacks inside Russia, targetting media prrsonalities to frighten them into silence, going after good optics — hits inside Russia — did not cause change in Russia’s plans.,
Along with the failure to diminish Russia’s economy or reduce oil and gas revenue, Project Ukraine is losing credibility.
So no surprise there. More and more shrill voices are coming out of woodwork in support of escalation, and the crazier the better. Kiev power sharing arrangements are complex at the best of times. It cannot withstand serious pressure. It is clear that Russia is recommending Western Ukrsine to join EU and essentially gain its independence. This would be correcting grave injustice that forcibly kept them tied to Ukraine. There is little incentive for West Ukraine to continue backing Zelenski and fighting for his megalimanic goals. At some point they may chose to look after their own interests.
Zelenski slready lost support from the majority, and may lose minority. It also appears that General
Zaluzni has been seriously injured, and his return to duty not likely. Sensing the seriousness of the situation, there is a push to escalate and get US involved.
Ither than some loss of face to Project Ukraine supporters, there are no American interests being defended here.
Totally agree, but fear that turning this into a long pull may exhaust the patience of the Russian street. ??
But the conflict so far has not yielded results
Haha, for which side?
It is really not this complicated. In a gane cat plays with a mouse, the only chance mouse has is to find a hole to hide in. After Bajhmut there will be other holes. And other. Patience.
“Rep. Nadler ‘Wouldn’t Care’ If Ukraine Used F-16s to Strike Russian Territory – Nadler said it was unlikely Ukraine would use F-16s to hit Russian territory despite US armored vehicles being used in Belgorod”
I wouldn’t care if this corrupt ugly short fat guy ended up swimming with fish.
He’s a dwarf.
Maybe a rat? But that would be insulting the animal.
It is amazing to me that dolts like Nadler are held in esteem.
CT, if this sh*tshow doesn’t end up with Amerikkkan boots on the ground in Ukrainazia, I’ll eat my cowgirl hat.
well after all F-16s are just a tool used for war.
how many AK-47s designed and built by Russian ended up in the hands of various enemy forces all around the world during the last century.
Not just AK-47s, but also mortars, artillery, tanks, helicopters, planes, etc.
But it was not always the case that those weapons were sold/delivered WHILE the wars were occurring. To the best of my recollection, Russia wasn’t supplying Saddam in 2003, for example.
On the other side of the ledger, the USSR gave full “proxy war” backing to North Korea and Vietnam during the US misadventures there, extending not only to munitions, etc., but in some cases to troops (MiG pilots in Korea, SAM crews in Vietnam, etc.). And based on looking up old news accounts, the US regime whined about it in much the same manner, although not perhaps as demonstratively, as the Russians are whining about it now.
Amerikkka whined at an extremely high pitch concerning China’s involvement.
Let me ask you a question, do you ever feel dirty after watching a video clip of Nadler, Schiff, HRC, Biden, Blinken, Cotton, Graham, Menedez, or Nuland? You take a shower and use a ton of soap, but you still can’t get the repulsive slime off? …No? …Is it all from my OCD acting up? (Sarcasm alert)
Our government is a criminal syndicate. In what sense is it less criminal than the Hitler regime was?
The problem with our criminal syndicate is that it doesn’t have snappy uniforms.
Given recent behavior of Ukraine, and statements about things like killing Putin, I make the opposite assumption. Against Russia would be their highest priority, the first thing they will do ASAP.
The Democrat party is now a party of war but some will still vote for them while claiming they are totally against all wars.
The Democrat party have always been the party of war. Starting from Civil War, WW1,WW2, Korean War, and Vietnam. The party fractured with George McGovern after the horrors of Vietnam was revealed. The warmonger side co-opted GOP after Watergate scandal when GOP was in disarray and started the Reagan revolution. Thanks to Ron Paul, he reminded GOP who they were. Seeing how they were losing control over the GOP voters, they used Obama to charm the Democrat voters back into the war party again and with Trump presidency and being the most anti war, the Democrats once again showed their true colors.. Of course that isn’t to say there weren’t warmongers in GOP, but historically their voters distrusted Government involved in foreign adventures.
How many dead Ukrainians will it take to get Biden re-elected??
If Trump is re-elected POTUS in 2024 & invades Mexico, Jerry Nadler will object to Mexico using Russian & Chinese weapons to attack the US. He’s fine with weapons used to kill people in enemy & frenemy territory.
Well, US won’t invade and annex Mexican territory unless Putin becomes US President.
And Putin is using weapons to kill Ukrainians so Ukraine has the right of self defense and bring the war to Russia which is what they are doing. If you don’t like it, then ask your boy Putin to pull out and end his war.
Putin is not an empire builder. He has no plans to reconstruct the USSR nor satellite nations. After the USSR & Warsaw Pact were dissolved, NATO continued to add new members & kept expanding closer & closer to Russia’s borders. Putin doesn’t want all of Ukraine, he only wants the Russian speaking regions because Ukraine persecutes the people there.
Trump & some of his allies in the Republican Party may want to end the war in Ukraine but want to invade Mexico.
Mexican population waves are bing allowed to invade the US by Biden,so the globalists can set up the NA union.
Immigration isn’t invasion. And why would Biden want a bunch of social conservatives coming here?
Legal immigration is not invasion.Illegal immigration in masses is defacto invasion. Biden,as a Globalist tool, allows this to set up the north American Union.
Immigration is not invasion, period.
Invasion is organized military incursion for the purpose of seizing territory or bending an opposing regime to one’s will. Traveling from Guadalajara to Galveston to find work putting roofs on houses isn’t anything like that.
There may be merit in Congressman Nadler’s notion about how the aircraft will be used. I’ve heard that aircraft are often used in that part of the world to provide ground support. But he seems to have ruled out the possibility that they may be used to deliver long range missiles acquired from England and guided bombs. So it is foolish to think that F-16’s would 𝑜𝑛𝑙𝑦 be used for ground support.
It’s also occurred to me that the F-16 may not be the best aircraft for providing ground support. I’m not an expert. But the A-10 Warthog was designed to kill tanks. Would that not be a better choice?
F-16s will be used for target practice by the Russians. That’s if any of them actually make it to the battlefield.
The usual arc with US weapons systems in this war:
1) Don’t do it — that would be an ESCALATION and a PROVOCATION;
2) Besides, they’ll just be destroyed by special magical Russian superweapons before they ever get to the front (it’s usually at this point that Doom Sternz announces that the Russians have now destroyed 14 times as many of the system as have ever been manufactured in history, let alone promised to Ukraine, let alone actually shipped there);
3) Besides, there’s no way they can effect the outcome anyway, they’re just obsolete crap;
4) OMG! You USED them! ESCALATION! PROVOCATION! You better stop that or we will hold our breaths until we turn blue and TELL MOM!;
5) Rinse and repeat.
No, Thomas. IF F-16s are deployed in Ukraine then the Russians will quickly figure them out and shoot them out of the sky. They will end up just like every other wunderwaffen the US has sent to the Ukraine battlefield.
You have no idea what you’re talking about, because if you did, you wouldn’t be saying the things you’re saying.
Edit: hi, Cobalt!
Given how poorly organized Russia’s efforts have been on the battlefield and the sky above it, I’m going to have to cast doubt on your assertion.
Edit: Cobalt, you are hilarious!
You sound very confused.
So Russia’s invasion has been a well-planned, well-organized effort that has gone just as planned?
You got nothing.
The Russian effort is succeeding in tying up US totalitarian terrorist war and thus providing prep time for China, Iran, northern Korea, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, and Indonesia..
The Russian effort is succeeding in tying up US totalitarian terrorist war and thus providing prep time for China, Iran, northern Korea, Mexico, Venezuela, Columbia, and Indonesia..
Johnny, can you please pick up his antipsychotic meds at Walgreen’s for him?
His commenting history seems to be pretty sporadic. Maybe he’s taking his sabbatical. Or he’s involved in his Jedi training. Yes. The force is strong in this one.
Yeahhhh, he’s a piece of work, ain’t he? 😉
… And we don’t give a rat ass about Rep. Nadler Rant…!
It is easy for him to say from thousands of miles away from combat area, knowing full well we brought the war to Russia. Backed into a corner, what would Russia have done otherwise? Nadler knows, is playing dumb about it, going with the war hawk mantra.
I’d say the Zio is more than “playing dumb”, V…, he is genuinely dumb 😉
When was the last time an elected official ever mentioned that it is his/her duty to serve in the best interest of the American people?
Total silence from people who get paid to serve. They justify the demonization of public services. As Reagan used to say government is the problem, Clinton the end of big government, but willing to collect taxes to fund the MICC and bail out the Financial Institutions when they foul up and are too big to fail.
Of course Nads doesn’t care- he’s not the one on the front lines fighting, bleeding, and dying for someone else’s agenda. I am reminded of Achilles’ line from ‘Troy’: “Imagine a king who fights his own battles- wouldn’t that be a sight?”
The decrepit ruling class are aging and have one foot over the grave. They couldn’t care less to leave behind a planet of ash since they all will die in few years anyways. None of his statements surprise me.
It truly mystifies me that many of the Empires “rulers” are approximately my age and appear to have forgotten the horror that was Vietnam when they speak to escalate yet more war.
But most of those rulers were not at the frontline, so why would you assume they care? If you are a passive investor and your defense stock keeps going up, you will do everything to make sure that company stays profitable year after year.
Sorry, A. I suppose I was out of line assuming these folks had the smallest bit of their consciences left 🙁
Nadler doesn’t care much about anyone or anything except staying in office:
Key members of New York’s congressional delegation, who Chevron’s lawyers donate to, haven’t responded to Donziger’s pleas.
Chevron’s Prosecution of Steven Donziger
Documents reveal a close collaboration between the oil giant, its law firm, and the “private prosecutor” who sent the environmentalist lawyer to federal prison….“Private corporations aren’t supposed to be able to help put people in prison, which is what Chevron did to me,” Donziger told me. “Corporations can sue you in a civil proceeding, but they aren’t allowed to finance a criminal prosecution. If Chevron gets away with this, what kind of a country are we living in?”
90+% of ALL federal politicians in ALL nations are – imo – virtual scumbags. As they are hugely arrogant/stupid/corrupt (one or more of these).
Only the weak and/or the ignorant and/or the desperate take these losers seriously.
Same goes for all major religions, btw.
Nothing “virtual” about their being scumbags, but I get your point.
Jerry Nadler is an evil person. He only represents himself.
He also has the nerve to tell people that crime in NYC is going down,when all we hear about are slashings and shootings.
It’s time to put Nadler into an orange uump suit, give him and gun and a parachute, and drop his fat arse into the middle of Russian held Ukriane so he can attack Russians personally.
Was this before or after he pooped his pants on live TV?
Democrats are the war party now.
Biden is even increasing the military budget in that debt ceiling deal they made last night.
Watch all the so-called antiwar types voting for that increase in the Democrat party.
AOC ought to ride a tank into battle with Bernie driving.
The inconsolable admirers of revolutionary era, when Europe felt on the cusp of turning — will never forgive not forget. Russia is the monster that burried the revolutinary creation, and returned to its detested spiritual roots. This venom coming out of Russia-haters is not unexpected.
What is shocking, however, how many people are happily supporting this Project Ukraine, and not seeing through the zealotic fervor accompamying it.
Fervor, that has nothing to do with geopolitics or even less with national interest. Amazing.