Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky told The Associated Press on Wednesday that if the Donbas city of Bakhmut falls to Russia, he would be pressured to “compromise” with Moscow.
“Our society will feel tired” if the Russians win in Bakhmut, Zelensky said. “Our society will push me to have compromise with them.”
He said if Bakhmut falls, Russian President Vladimir Putin could “sell this victory to the West, to his society, to China, to Iran” as leverage to seek a ceasefire deal that would involve Kyiv ceding territory to Moscow. “If he will feel some blood — smell that we are weak — he will push, push, push,” Zelensky said.
Russian forces are close to encircling the city of Bakhmut, but the battle is still raging as Ukraine continues to send soldiers into what has become known as the “meat grinder.” Ukrainians fighting on the front lines have told the media that soldiers are being sent into battle with very little training, support, and ammunition.

Earlier this month, the head of the Russian mercenary outfit Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said the fighting in Bakhmut was getting “fiercer” and said Ukraine was “supplying endless reserves” for the battle.
Zelensky’s comments about Bakhmut come after he said Kyiv could not launch a counteroffensive unless its Western backers supply even more weapons. He told AP on Wednesday that “the United States really understands that if they stop helping us, we will not win.”
The US and its allies want Ukraine to give up on Bakhmut and to launch a counteroffensive against Russia this spring, but the prospect seems increasingly unlikely. A senior Ukrainian government official told The Washington Post earlier this month that Ukraine doesn’t have enough people or weapons to launch an offensive.
A man can dream…
If he tries this “compromise”, we will kill him and blame Russia. The CIA is very good at that sort of stuff.
Maybe there would be a coup. We should watch Nuland’s travel plans.
Just follow the trail of cookie crumbs, Bear 😉
Judging by the size of Nuland, there won’t be many crumbs. Maybe just follow the (pig) snorting sound.
Not if it leads to Georgia in the USA. I’ve seen deliverance.
Good one. 😉
Omg, hilarious!
lol 🙂
Ukraine will be clawing back toward what was on offer, even already agreed, before the war. It can only dream of getting back to Minsk 2, which the US and Ukraine cheated on as part of starting this war.
That defines defeat, unable even to ask for what you already had before fighting.
US friends ought to take note of how the US “helps” its friends pick fights and lose them.
Unfortunatelly people do not count. After Maidan, US appointed the best team at the time. But it was not ideal. The Western Ukrainian Nazi revanchism was checked against vast majority of Ukrsine that was suspicious of Vaticsn — having many war time memories of religion based violence.
But then comes a show. Comedian acting a politician whose party was called The Servants of the People. Having tested the gig in small screen. he got funding and founded — The Servants of the People, Ukrainians tired of infighting, poverty, disappearing health care, education funds with orphanages that break human heart — was desperate for change.
But they had no idea that the person they voted fo mr hates them, could not wait to kill as many of them as possibke. Who despises faith that majority of Ukrsinians follow. They had no idea that he would gleefuly agree to the project of weakening Russia, humiliating Russia. Every single Zionist and admirer of Israel backs him up unconditionally. Every European and American empire loving hearts are excited at the thought thst Ukrainians and Russians are dying, and with a little luck, let’s throw in Poles and Chezks. Heavens, plenty of lebensraum without losing precious Western lives. Zelenski is thrilled.
But as it happened many times before, breakingvRussia isveadiervsaidvthan done. Zelenski knows very well how it ended in 969, or any other time since.
Once in a while Russia has to remind the giddy ones what is at stake. Because iif the global Zelenskis. do not get it – tit for that will bring us one less city in the workkd daily, Being across two large oceans is no longer safe.
So if there is war is Mongolia,blame “THE ZIONISTS”.
What a cheap shot.
Mongolian state was created one hundred years ago and in all that time Mongolia never had any war. May be because it is sandwiched between China and Russia and too remote from “the exceptional people”?
I’m not sure where you’re going with the notion that the US picked “the best team at the time”. The best team, for example, might have included people who had demonstrated a lot of popular support in previous elections. From my perspective, the US was only interested in people who hate Russians, including their own ethnic Russians.
Spot on
Your last sentence is so true … I hope the people of Taiwan are paying attention: we in the US will be right behind them every step of the way and provide them with all the weapons they will need to get devastated by China.
Surprising honesty from him
Zelensky does theater – not honesty.
And yet, in this instance…
What a stroke of genius!!! Now, if there was only a way to keep the Biden administration (are you listening Blinken, Nuland, Sullivan??) our of the equation.
Good, everybody sit down and make some compromises. End this stupid war.
Zelensky invited Xi to visit Ukraine for a summit:
“We are ready to see him here. I want to speak with him. I had contact
with him before full-scale war. But during all this year, more than one
year, I didn’t have,”Zelensky said.
China’s twelve point peace plan and its diplomatic initiative may be the basis for an agreement to end the war with Ukraine keeping its independence and territorial integrity and Russia getting security guarantees. The success of China’s nitiative depends on Xi convincing Zelenskyy that China will be an honest broker and fairly balance China’s loyalty to its ally with China’s longstanding commitment to independence, self determination and territorial integrity (point one of China’s peace plan).
I am concerned that China has not moved swiftly to take up Zelenskyy’s offer to meet with Xi.
Zelenskyy is showing that he is willing to stand up to Biden by meeting with Xi. I am sure Biden and the NATO war hawks want to rein Zelenskyy in. On the other hand, Macron’s openness to negotiations gives Zelenskyy some leverage in NATO.
I hope China seizes this opportunity to start a peace negotiation that could lead to a good agreement to end the war.
Zelensky’s decision to fight to the death in Bakhmut might have been intended to fix Russia’s forces for long enough to mount a rescue, or to attack along another front, such as Zaporizhia. But the areas of Bakhmut controlled by Kyev are shrinking at a rate I could not have imagined 2 weeks ago, and Wagner is turning control of the surrounding area over to the regular army. He may realize that he is running out of time there, and also at Avdivka.
He is pointing fingers at NATO countries, despite his horrendous blunders. But, more importantly, he may be telegraphing the end of his willingness to serve the foreigners who caused this cataclysm.
“Ukraine doesn’t have enough people or weapons to launch an offensive” – as Merkel and Hollande explained to us, Minsk Agreements were used by NATO to prepare Ukraine for the war with Russia. No one knows how much money were spent on this project. We know only that since Russian intervention begun, NATO allies spent $120 billions.
A year ago, according to Zelensky, Ukrainian army was one million strong. Since that time several waves of mobilization happened.
Now Ukraine has neither weapons, nor soldiers for so much promised offensive. How many foreign volunteers died in Ukraine, no one knows. In November 2022, Polish Niezalezny Dzennik Polityczny published information about 1700 fresh graves in one military cemetery near town Olsztyn. The situation is getting interesting. Ukrainian demand for NATO soldiers and NATO weapons is always increasing.
“In November 2022, Polish Niezalezny Dzennik Polityczny published information about 1700 fresh graves in one military cemetery near town Olsztyn.”
Look at you. Spreading Russian disinformation. This was fake, yet, you are still posting this crap here.
I know, everything what doesn’t coincide with the corporate media “information” is denounced by NATO propagandists as “Russian disinformation”. Nezalezny Dzennik Polityczny has no more to do with Russia than American Fox News channel, which allows Carlson Tucker to talk honestly on political issues.
Oh well, the story is fake created by Russia.
And you shared that BS here.
Now you mix it with West MSM. Pff.
Would’ve been easier to just admit it was fake.
It may be fake news, but honestly, after the last few years anything an American calls fake news and tries to silence is starting to sound true. There’s not a lot of reason for such vehemence over stories of war dead, than just trying to control the entire narrative with the stupidest lies because we are *expected* to believe, and will be forced to believe.
They are burying dead poles somewhere. There are many thousands of them. Poland is heavily involved in this war. At the beginning of Russian intervention, president Duda himself encouraged poles to go to Ukraine and fight Russians.
As clearly evidenced by the large number of text messages from young polish men fighting in Ukraine and the high number of social media accounts of young polish men going dead not to mention the high number of young polish girls complaining about their lost boyfriends or husbands.
Oh – wait a moment there is actually no such evidence – which leaves you with mud all over your face – as there is this kind of evidence from Russians, Ukrainians and even from the few volunteers that have gone to fight on either side – but never let the absence of evidence disturb a good story.
“Many thousands” of dead Poles? Seriously?
I guess MSM took over RT because there is nothing about the dead Poles there.
Do you think posting your fantasies here makes them true?
At the beginning of the SMO, Americans were celebrating the fact that thousands of volunteers were rushing to Ukraine. We never mention them anymore.
It is hard for me to believe that thousands of mercenaries are NOT dead. Just normal attrition if nothing else. If you are trying to say it is really only hundreds not thousands – then that just means that I perceive the overall death toll to be more than you do.
Exactly. A year ago they talked openly about that. Thousands of volunteers came from West Europe and from America. Many more came from Poland. Some of them got under Russian fire few days after their arrival. There were a lot of videos a year ago about numerous casualties among foreign volunteers at Yavorovsky military training ground in West Ukraine, number of the dead were at least a couple of hundreds. Their chance to survive in Donbass wasn’t any higher. Later they stopped to talk about that pretending it is a war exclusively between Russia and Ukraine.
You are living in a fantasy. If thousands of Poles died in the Ukraine war, it would be impossible to cover that up.
“At the beginning of the SMO”
Are you afraid to say war? You must be in Russia right now. Lol
It’s ALL fake news, Zombie, whether it comes from the left or right of the MSM.
That’s what websites like this one are for; to impart the truth.
Translation: I need to buy more time to rearm to assault on a later time. Truly a disingenuous statement if ever.
“Earlier this month, the head of the Russian mercenary outfit Wagner Group, Yevgeny Prigozhin, said the fighting in Bakhmut was getting “fiercer” and said Ukraine was “supplying endless reserves” for the battle.”
What do you want to bet that those “endless reserves” are NATO troops?
When and if NATO troops are sent into the Ukraine fray, it will be done with great fanfare and lots of talk about having been “provoked” and “the need to protect [insert ethnic group here]” to justify a “special military operation.”
No it will be Shock and Awe. And our first set of bombs will have cute sayings like “From the US, with love.”.
I am not sure we would win.
I want to bet the opposite. That’s easy money.
NATO has been crawling all over Ukraine since the Maidan coup. The Ukrainian army has been decimated. NATO troops are definitely involved there.
And yet not a single NATO prisoner has been paraded on Russia television. Do NATO soldiers magically disappear into thin air when they die? Do their relatives not notice it and/or decide not to mention it?
I suspect that the Ukrainian army has been more than “decimated” (that would be a 10% loss).
And yet after 13 months the Russian troops haven’t even been able to fully secure the two former Ukrainian oblasts where they’re supposedly liberating an enthusiastically supportive population.
So I can see why you’re grasping at straws to explain things without just acknowledging that Russia is no longer a world-class conventional military power.
“And yet not a single NATO prisoner has been paraded on Russian television” – Ukrainian prisoners are also not paraded on Russian television. They did it once after a couple of thousands of Azov neo-Nazi militants got in captivity in Mariupol a year ago, may be in order to show to public their Nazi tattoo, and that is all. Maybe they are not taking foreign mercenaries any more. Why they should? It is quite legal to shoot them on spot.
If Ukrainian loss is only 10%, by now Ukrainian army would be more than a million strong. It looks, they have only about half of that number.
Now I have an image in my head of Putin parading around a captured CIA operative on top of a bear like an old style roman triumph
Even here, people are slap-fighting like it’s a team sport and not the dawn of the apocalypse.
I never said Russia was a world-class conventional military power. I just know that Putin’s back was up against the wall, and he was in a catch-22. Putin is up against some real hell-class evil, and according to Alex Christophorou, NATO troops are in Ukraine fighting.
When Putin became President of Russia, his main concern was raising the economy and standard of living for the poor Russian people. He had to choose between guns or butter. He chose butter because his concern for the people of Russia mattered most to him. He obviously didn’t have plans to conquer Eastern Europe and reconstitute the Old Soviet empire. But that is the lie that we have been fed.
When Putin became president of Russia, his main concern was lining his pockets and the pockets of the oligarchs he works for.
And he did a great job of that until he stuck his teat in the Ukrainian wringer.
Why not both? After all, that’s what happens here in the USofA.
You have no proof that Putin was lining his pockets. As for the oligarchs who looted Russia under Yeltsin, Putin called them in and told them “enough.” You have swallowed all the anti-Putin vitriol that the Western media has shelled out. Putin has done an excellent job of raising Russia up out of the ashes of Communism and a decade of Yeltsin. Yeltsin knew that the West had played him, and that is why he chose Putin to succeed him.
As for whose teat is in the wringer, we might find out that it is the U.S. and NATO teats that are getting squeezed. When you dig a pit for someone else, sometimes you fall into it yourself.
I checked life expectancies of Russians over the years.
It was ok not great when it was USSR, it dropped a lot after USSR disbanded, and started to rise only after Putin took over. Things have steadily improved since then.
Putin has definitely improved the standard of living for non millionaire Russians. And from what I can tell, when Russians go to the hospital, they do not walk out bankrupt
You can always move there. Go.
Wow, talk about being brainwashed.
That kool aid is strong.
He wanted to enrich his Russian oligarchs
and that was the rub… Because the USA wanted to enrich US oligarchs.
Anything is possible, but why would Zman talk of compromise if NATO has cum to his rescue. BUT it sounds to me like this is Zelinski”s last stand! Only time will tell. Those that know do not say and those that say know less…
I guess we will just have to wait and see.
It is a certainty that he is going to surrender After hundreds of thousands causalities, nearly a trillion dollar in anticipated reconstruction cost his masters allow him and themselves to wriggle out of this mess
Interesting if real, but I do not trust anything that comes out of Zelensky’s mouth, nor BinBlinken’s, nor anyone’s from England, nor most of the rest of Europe for that matter. So we’ll see…
As for a lack of personnel to launch a counteroffensive, I imagine they could stuff a couple million Polish volunteers into the mix…
Fair enough OB1, fair enough. I feel the same way.
When it comes to the continuous flow of pure BS emanating from the US and its allies – and its puppet – color me skeptical. All Zelensky does is theater.
Yes, (as well all bourgeois pols) and it’s not even the script that tells. It’s the owners. So the Q is, will Wall St., Lombard St. & co. accept the end of dollar hegemony?
When it comes to the continuous flow of pure BS emanating from the US and its allies – and its puppet – color me skeptical. All Zelensky does is theater.
Bear, LOVE “binBlinken”, lol lol!
He should use his first name too. Obama BinBlinken. I don’t think the big O is running things, but he has his fingerprints all over this mess.
Couldn’t agree more Wars!
LOL 😉 Now we only need a middle name for him and the ogre will be complete.
How about Obama Binyamin binBlinken?
oh boy this takes the cake and the bs bakery to boot
I’ve got this actor friend who wants to partner with us to attack Russia. Says we will get rich and be heroes… What do you think…????? So the actor dude and his friend attack Russia….. The best armed staate on the planet….. What were they thinking…?????
Or, what are they drinking?………………
Zionists worship Mammon
In a conflict where no one can win, yet no one can afford to lose, the only solution is escalation – but it will not be to victory.
Certainly not for the feckless Zelenski
Poor, poor ZelBoy.
I’m guessing his remarks are calculated to keep the weapons and dollars flowing from the West, because Russia MUST NOT have a positive outcome from this war!
So, get this thing GOING, ZelBoy. You appear to be already aware of the eventual consequences. Stop listening to your masters ByeDone and the Blinkin’ Idiot; get those grandfathers out of their ice water-filled trenches and send them home.
And next time, don’t pretend that Amerikkka ever was or ever will be your friend. Time to recognize you were being used all along.
Don’t omit Nuland, the Neocon….!!!!!!!
Send in the clowns.
“Zelensky Says if He Loses Bakhmut, He Will Be Pushed to ‘Compromise’ With Russia The Ukrainian leader told AP his country will lose without US support”
OK, Captain Obvious. This fact was in front of you before you lost 280,000 KIA and another 480,000 maimed for life!
The secret is out, Bakhumt is being supplied from Chasiv Yar by underground tunnels left over from the cold war. This was just revealed by a a Ukrainian POW.
Russia will hunt and close the tunnel and Bakhmut will fall.
In other breaking news Russia located and destroyed 10 Western tanks in the Zaporozhye region. They were hidden in a hangar and a missile destroyed all 10.
He told AP on Wednesday that “the United States really understands that if they stop helping us, we will not win.”
Not according to some folks here. But in actuality, the US isn’t interested in helping you to win either Vllod. They have stated repeatedly that they don’t want direct conflict with Russia. So, it’s either Ukraine continues to be used as the sacrificial lamb with no chance of prevailing or it’s WW3.
“Not according to some folks here.”
I have never said they will win without support, I have said, they will continue fighting for their nation with or without West support
“Our society will feel tired” if the Russians win in Bakhmut, Zelensky said. “Our society will push me to have compromise with them.”
I don’t think Vllod agrees with you Don. And there is no way Bakhmut doesn’t fall without western support. A compromise doesn’t sound like continued fighting.
You made a fair point.
Sounds like a formula to create a desert.
He has to compromise otherwise Ukraine will be Land Locked….!
Well it’s better than being held up in a bunker somewhere and ask your generals to shoot you and burn your body so you can’t be identified.
Sorry can’t shoot you, no ammo left…
That’s right, you may. People around the world who love peace hope both belligerents in this affair will back off and settle down to making deals. Peace is more important than any country’s one culture. Now in the modern world, it’s everyone’s culture endangered in the event of a nuclear war. Z will need to rewalk some of his own belligerence in assuming the USA would shoot nukes into Moscow to defend him. It’s only a few nutcases at top levels in gov’t who feel this way, and it is the same situation in Russia. At least shut up about more fighting and start the real work. Or you are as big a fool as P.
Aparrently you think Putin should have gone along to get along when this American Neoconservative Cabal hatched their plan to overthrow the Russo friendly elected president of Ukraine and replace him with a Nazi friendly one & attack Russophones who are their fellow Ukrainians, after the Minsk betrayal. Only fools trust trust such people and only once. FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU. FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON ME. Shame on Stoltenburg for refusing to negotiate, which hard as it may have been could have avoided 100s of 1000s of deaths and the methodical destruction of Ukrsine
Stop the killing for now Ukraine/Russia. Find an amicable solution for self rule for those in the Russian speaking part of Ukraine. Get a guaranteed non proliferation security agreement for future grievances by either side. Agree to settle at the negotiating table instead.
You seem to believe that the Ukies would be trustworthy and abide by the terms of an agreement or ANY one. I think if you investigate you will see they began to plan to to flout the treaty before the ink dried. The were foolish and dishonest. They deserve the fate such folly earns trom a hard victory by a superior conqueror. They have lost any modicum of trust they were once given, and need genuine tough love going forward. They need to be stripped of any and all means to endanger our entire planet ever again. No arms and a lean diet of income to keep them from destroying us all.
Congratulations, you are ready to work in this Russian propaganda show.
Finally and hopefully, a true antiwar fella here. Great to see you are calling out both sides as we all should.
Zelensky could have become a great states man if he had ignored the Americans / Brits and begun peace talks with Putin from the get go and saved many many lives of his country men / women not to mention Russians as well .
Probably wasn’t allowed to do so. I remember Obama….
Hard to see America agreeing…you know because Bakhmut isn’t strategic at all.
Did this guy real believe that Ukraine could take on Russia and WIN…????? Reality is he is lucky that Russia has not choSen the U.S.”s WWII exit technique of nuking a couple of cities full of the old, young, women and the infirm to wave goodbye to the not very intelligent ones who allowed themselves to be sacrificed to “weaken” Russia. The only part the neocons got right was the gulability of the feckless Ukrainians. Hillary & Vick must be proud of their con job on the hapless Ukies. Too bad they are dealing with the real deal and not some wishey-washy girlyboy acting tough.
Nato is threatening to attack Belorussia, they are building forces in Poland. If Nato attacks then it will go nuclear in seconds.
Nato is getting badly beaten up in Ukraine and their only option is to directly attack Russia. They could of course surrender. Russia will now fight Nato to the last European.
Medvedev: If US Deploys ‘Peacekeepers’ to Ukraine, We Will Incinerate Them
For NATO to introduce the “peacekeeping” troops gambit, it means, among other things they’re openly admitting to horrific casualties and territorial losses.
It’s difficult to predict a time and circumstance under which this conflict will “end.” Russians, Americans, and Europeans don’t trust Western leaders.
EU Planning To Invest Frozen Russian Assets, Give Returns To Ukraine
So why couldn’t he compromise with Moscow in 2021 .
Why did he need to agitate Russia into defending itself from the NATO threat which was obvious to the Russians and anyone with more brains than Kenneth Harper with their support of those killing Russians in the Donbass with Nazi insignia on their uniforms.
So why couldn’t he compromise with Moscow in 2021 .
Why did he need to agitate Russia into defending itself from the NATO threat which was obvious to the Russians and anyone with more brains than Kenneth Harper with their support of those killing Russians in the Donbass with Nazi insignia on their uniforms.
Seems they or those that pull their strings are or own the swamp in deed…& the string pullers own & control the media & pub lic. opinion with deceit……. & they are out get get techno-tyranny before folks wake up …FORGET POLITICIANS…follow the murder, theft & deception back to the same old crooks behind Bilderbergers, WEF & Chatham House & CFR et al
So why couldn’t he compromise with Moscow in 2021 .
Why did he need to agitate Russia into defending itself from the NATO threat which was obvious to the Russians and anyone with more brains than Kenneth Harper with their support of those killing Russians in the Donbass with Nazi insignia on their uniforms.
Endless (almost) American bribes.