US Indo-Pacific Command (INDOPACOM) is seeking $3.5 billion more than what President Biden has requested for his 2024 military budget, Defense News reported on Friday.
The other five US military commands are also asking for more than what Biden has allocated for them, but nowhere near what INDOPACOM seeks. Combined, the five other commands’ extra spending requests are less than half of what INDOPACOM is asking for.
INDOPACOM will likely get what it wants from Congress as the command is responsible for China, and hawks in Washington are looking to spend more on building up in the region to confront Beijing.

The biggest chunk of Indo-Pacific Commands request is for $511 million for regional campaigning “to quickly mass forces multiple times a year as part of a synchronized set of operations, activities and investments.”
The command is also looking for more missiles, including $357 million for the extended-range Standard Missile-6, $493 million for the Tomahawks, and $151 million for the Precision Strike Missile. The request includes $147 million to upgrade missile defenses in Guam.
President Biden has requested $886.4 billion for the 2024 military budget, with $842 billion of it going to the Pentagon. When asking Congress to authorize the massive request, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley said it would help prepare the US for a potential war with China.
“Potential war with China”? Can someone get these Pentagon guys a book on how to avoid conflict, not invite it.
And, read history, specifically what our forefathers said about going forth seeking monsters in other countries, or avoiding entangling alliances. Please!
3.5 billion? What a bargain! Only enough money to end homelessness a few times over! And only for a budget overrun! But we get to have lots more bombs to kill people with!
That 3.5 billion is working its way up to a trillion. That will make 40 trillion America’s debt. What’s another trillion when there’s money to be made and war is good business for those who start them.
These acronyms make me want to puke. (TAMMWTP)
They are working on a WORLD COMMAND map.
Let’s see we have the Philippines we can load up with nukes and more so all that is left to occupy is Taiwan and bingo we have the mainland fenced off with limited access not only to the South China Sea but to the mighty Pacific itself. Anybody who thinks China is going to accept that situation lying down is fooling themselves. The map says it all, from those northern Japanese islands all the way down to Australia leaves China is at our mercy, maybe we can charge them to access the Pacific as they try to conduct their affaires with our permission of course.
Why did you down vote your own post? It was a good one.
Another trillion dollars of OUR MONEY going to destroy more lives around the world. I’m so proud to be an American today when Wash. is ruled by psychopaths who care nothing about the people they’re supposed to represent. I guess ‘the people’ really means to them, their campaign donors. Until lobbying is outlawed, nothing will change, and that won’t happen obviously.
“Indo-Pacific Command Seeks $3.5 Billion More Than Biden’s 2024 Budget The command will likely get what it wants as Congress wants to expand the military buildup against China”
How about NO!