Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Friday that Ukraine is preparing to launch attacks to recapture Crimea by forming new military units and sending troops to train in other countries.
“There are military steps, and we are preparing for them. We are ready mentally. We are preparing technically: with weapons, reinforcements, the formation of brigades, in particular the assault brigades, of different categories and nature,” Zelensky said at a press conference, according to the Ukrainian news agency Ukrinform.
According to Ukrinform, Zelensky said Ukrainian troops were being sent to train in other countries to learn how to use new weapons. “We have to be ready. Then, there will be corresponding fair de-occupation steps and, God willing, they will be successful,” he added.
Zelensky and other top Ukrainian officials have maintained that kicking Russia out of Crimea is one of their war goals, but Russia controls a good portion of territory to the north of Crimea in the Kherson Oblast. The Pentagon has also assessed it’s unlikely Ukraine can take the peninsula, which Russia has controlled since 2014.

Despite the Pentagon’s assessment, Biden administration officials still say they would support Ukrainian attacks on Crimea. “Russia has turned Crimea into a massive military installation … those are legitimate targets, Ukraine is hitting them, and we are supporting that,” Victoria Nuland, the US undersecretary of state for political affairs, recently said.
The US backing Ukrainian attacks on Crimea would risk a major escalation with Moscow, a fact that even Secretary of State Antony Blinken has recognized by calling the peninsula a “red line” for Russian President Vladimir Putin. The Russian leader has shown a willingness to escalate the war over attacks on Crimea, as Russia’s bombardment of Ukrainian infrastructure didn’t start until after the truck bombing of the Kerch Bridge, which connects Crimea to the Russian mainland.
Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 following the US-backed coup in Kyiv that ousted former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych. Polling since then has shown the majority of people living on the peninsula are happy that they joined the Russian Federation.
Kyiv Bob talking there … “after taking Crimea, we will shift our attention to and stop the tide” ,,,
Zelensky deserves the guillotine.
While Obama who made all this happen in the first place ought to be stripped from that Nobel for Peace and if there was any justice left in this world he would also pay back the $65 million that was paid for his ”memoirs’.
Obama ought to know a thing or two about law, after all Obama taught constitutional law for 12 years – as a lecturer for four years – as an senior lecturer for eight years and even taught courses in due process, racism and law…only to let his licence to practice law lapse before disrespecting the US constitution (That he sworn an oath to uphold) and violating international laws because the US hasn’t ratified those laws.
In the end Obama studied law like a burglar studies the lock on a security vault – that is his real expertise!
The evil doers in this were first Cheney, and then Hillary. Cheney manipulated his President, and Hillary defied hers.
Wasn’t Nuland an advisor to Cheney before ”it” seamlessly transferred itself onto the Obama admin as easily as a chameleon changes its color in order to remain undetected?
Obama admitted the US role in orchestrating the coup in Ukraine while Cheney on the previous admin used 9-11 to activate PNAC and lets mention Nulands husbands Robert Kagan’s was one the founders of PNAC.
For some strange reason the color orange comes to mind.
“For some strange reason the color orange comes to mind” – maybe it is connected more to Ukrainian “Orange Revolution” 2004 rather that to Agent Orange, though, I think, Agent Orange was even more nasty.
The Zel boy is dreaming again…! The land between Ukraine and Crimea under Russian occupation (west)/territory (Russia) needs to be captured first…!
Update on my Zelensky action figure: it’s little rubber head is empty.
Rather, like the Snap, Crackle, Pop finger puppets I had when I was a kid.
Attacking Crimea can only be interpreted as follows – whomever is advising Zelinsky is intending to escalate this conflict way out of proportion.
Whatever their motivations they know that public sentiment is against this meddling with all of our lives, so they’re hoping to escalate this so that the Russians will need to respond so that it will really get out of control and before we collectively get to our senses and very gently remove our so called political representatives who have allowed all this to occur in the first place and charge them with OWTF treason?
However after what happend with Julian Assange I simply do not have much faith in the legal system – not an iota nor a scintilla.
Free Julian Assange !!!!
Corruption reigns everywhere along with a strong dose of insanity.
We’re insane to have allowed all this to continue for as long as it already has.
Me too…!!!!!
Victoria Nuland says the US supports attacks on the peninsula
What a surprise. Send her there to be in charge, and send dear Ze under her command.
Exactly what I say. Put here on the front line of the first assault.
Yep. Put her on the front lines.
Due to overconsumption of her own cookies, she’ll be a target that can’t be missed 😁
Maybe use her as a “spy” balloon? See if Russia would waste $450,000 shooting her fat ass down.
Fill her up with helium and let’er rip, Wars! 😂
Expect it isn’t true. What military strategy involves calling your shots?
You’d think that but it seems to be SOP in this war.
There are some evidences that Ukraine is preparing invasion to Transnistria. Moldova and Rumania also could be involved. That is the most dangerous possible escalation. It would be difficult for Russia to protect it. With Crimea, Ukrainian/NATO army has no chance. Transnistria is the only direction where they can have a success.
They are preparing themselves MENTALLY! That’s how far it wil go, surely!
Zelensky Says Ukraine Is Preparing to Attack Crimea
“yeah they will never see us coming!”
Zelinsky’s message was not for Russia or his own citizenry, but, Washington. He knows that salvation lies the way of bringing NATO into the war directly. Washington got him into this; it’s “Pottery Barn Rules”. ‘Biden’ has to stay in, with Z calling the price, til victory (whatever that means).
Yep. He’s desperately trying to start a world war, I think because he’s a narcissist that fancies himself Churchill, and won’t stop to think that maybe he’s escalating his people into a bad situation.
World War three is not going to be good for anyone, particularly Ukraine.
Indications are he’d had enough by March “22, and again with Naftali Bennet, so it appears Zelensky’s not a “Yaahoo!” marine type by nature. He’s acting, … the beard, costume, setting and dialogue. However, now so much blood and treasure have been spent, he knows he’s trapped and doomed in the most comprehensive way. Even the Ashraf Ghani escape is not practicable. But his utterances, as above, indicate he’s not inclined to go the Gaddafi route either. Rather he’s going to bring Washington down with him. So at some point they have to kill him, … properly staged as a Russian hit, of course.
Zelensky might want to read up on another of our allies who went off-script, too, and ponder on the fate of one Saddam Hussein. Or just a general history of Central America over the last hundred or so years might be enough to make him realize that as soon as he’s longer of use to Washington, he’ll be the next guy to be labeled ‘worse than Hitler’ and disposed of.
Yeah, he’ll have a “canister of chlorine gas” come through the roof.
By begging more money from America, Zelensky is trying to be helpful to Biden and to all those in America who have their share from those money. He can’t show them military successes, so he is talking about great plans.
Russia did not “Annex” The Crimea, Crimea has been part Russia since 1776 and Catherine the Great. I don’t think the Nazis will be able to even try to do it, but if they do, All Hell will break loose.
All ‘heil’ will break loose…
That happened in 1789, when John Paul Jones commanded Russian forces to take it from Turkey, and turned it into a naval base. That massive Russian base and the fleet based there was the main point of contention in the Crimean War, in 1853. It was the main Soviet base in its southern region in both World Wars and the Cold War, massively fortified and home to a large fleet.
Victoria Nuland says they are just doing this NOW? That is just ignorant, or more likely a presumption of the ignorance of her audience.
No way, no how is Russia giving up its warm water docks for its fleet. If we attack Crimea (it is WE who are warring against Russia) there will be h*ll on earth to follow.
John Paul wasn’t much valued by Ekaterina II because he wasn’t respected in Russian navy. His reputation wasn’t good enough. And, as it is noticed already, he joined Russian navy when Crimea was already a part of Russian Empire.
“Then, there will be corresponding fair de-occupation steps and, God willing, they will be successful,” he added
God just puked (If there is one).
Hey Z! If you do this, please bring Nuland with your front line soldiers.
“Zelensky Says Ukraine Is Preparing to Attack Crimea Victoria Nuland says the US supports attacks on the peninsula”
This would be an Act of War perpetrated with the support of America.
There was a bear in the woods. So an adult puts a gun in the hands of a child. The adult cocks the gun, aims the gun, holds the gun to support it, and tells the child when to fire the gun. The only action of the child is that he squeezes the trigger on cue.
The bullet hit the bear, but does not kill it. The adult runs away pointing at the child who is still holding the gun.
The bear charges the child who is holding the gun and with one mighty swipe of bear claws eliminates the child in a mist of body parts.
The bear continues on after the fleeing adult who is yelling that he takes no responsibility for the firing of the gun.
The bear doesn’t understand duplicity and dispatches the adult with great alacrity!
“This would be an Act of War perpetrated with the support of America.”
aren’t they already at war?
From very early in this war, I posited that the goal of recapturing Crimea made me wonder if VictorIa Nuland seems to be running such plans in an attempt to rescue her image as the fool who lost Crimea with her dangerous $5 billion dollar coup in 2014 as they ousted Yanicovich. They sure thought of themselves very clever until Putin took Crimea! Then they cried
like children. Elon Musk has recently said she is the most dangerous woman in the world. Maybe stupid works a bit better!
Evidently, Zelensky didn’t learn anything from losing 10,000 soldiers in his efforts to take back Kherson. (The number was provided by Ukraine’s own Governor of the Kherson Oblast). But I’ll bet people such as Eduard Moskalyov do. (Zelensky fired Eduard Moskalyov yesterday. He was the commander of Ukraine’s Joint Forces Operation.)
Sending trooos to train outside the country! Really!
More like Western countries rounding up Ukrainianss of military age and forcing them into training — then into killing fields of Ukraine. UK has been the only one open about it. They rounded up 20,000 Ukrainians miitary age, callung them “volunteers”. Those fear saying anythig as their famililies could be deported, Done.
I am sure Germans and French are doung same, and I bet Poland is eager to round up able bodied.
NATO is opening 2 new fronts in the war against Russia……..Belarus and Moldova.
How is NATO able to open any front in Belarus…..???? And who are doing the fighting….??? Something sounds wrong. Are you telling us that NATO is attacking Belarus & Moldov?
How and where did you come by that bit of news and or information???
And reclaiming Crimea will serve what purpose?
Can Zelenski reflect upon the fact that he WOULD BE OCCUPIER, NOT LIBERATOR? So why Crimea?
Of course, a gift to NATO to exert control of Black Sea.
And for him personally, as well as Nuland and her husband it would be a revenge for a defeat of Silk Road Empire at the hands of Svyatoslav II of Kiev in 969. Crimea has a long history. Worthwile llearnung to better understand the anti-Russian fanaticism.
Nuland knows very well that Crimea was always Russian and that even after tge dissolution of Soviet Union had tge right to remain part of Russia — a right blatantly denied by Kiev’s new masters,
Nukes will be used should Russian territory be endangered. A few shots Ukraine took against targets do not qualify. However, any serious attempt at reclaiming what is now Russian territory can bring about nuclear exchange.
Herein lies the problem. Wile fanatics think pokung Russia is free of charge — or only Europe will bear the brunt. Not true. Hope there is someone with integrity to objectively inform the public of the risks tonAmerica mainland. Russia already posseses several classes of nuclear and non-nuclear options that can devastate this continent, There is no defence against them.
And while webhave capacities to strike Russia, for sure. But it does not mean that the retaliation is not forthcoming. Throughout this war we were warned by Russia. Honestly, no lying.
We need to deal with truths.
One, cannot force population to live in Ukraine where theyvare not wanted. Those that want to live in Russis need to be heard.
Two, Kiev cannot “liberate” Crimea, Lughansk, Donetsh, Zaporozhie or Kherson. People had enough of their abuse. Thus, Kiev can only come in as an occupier.
Three, an intercontinental war, nuclear or not will happen should we assist Zelenski in his effort to bring those regions back iunder Kiev. We need to think very, very carefully if we need to sacrifice our good life for the sake of post-Soviet Russia-Ukraine settlement, Without our meddling, this could have been settled without war.
NATO doesn’t want the people in the Donbass (Sub-humans), they want the land and the resources. Obama in 2014 was using ethnic cleansing and genocide as a means of controlling the ballot box.
If Obama killed enough ethnic Russians in the Donbass his rabidly anti Russian racist Nazi regime in Kiev could stay in power. And this is why the civil war was undertaken. Its not that Obama wanted to murder them all, if they fled to Russia it achieved the same goal. This was how they took away the voting rights of the Donbass to retain power.
But you know its all about Democracy right?
This is of course why Moscow wanted the Donbass to stay within Ukraine, to retain a pro Russian Government in Kiev and to retain the balance of power.
Completely agree. Manufacturing consent. Get Russians out, disenfranchise the rest and hope new generations of Russians in Ukraine voluntarily change identity to avoid persecution and discrimination. Then,Ukraine, within maximalist borders would be politically obedient,
After all it worked in Crioatia. Majority Serb region of Kraina (what an irony in name) wad expelled with Clinton’s help. Only old remained. The rest, spread artiynd Croatia most often declared themselves Croatian to avoid discrimination or worse. All forms of administrative measures secured takeover of land whenever elderly needed health care or a retirement home.
The regime in Kiev is a complex creature. West Ukrainian Nazusm has been given too much credit (even though deadly death squads cannot be dismissed) . Too much credit is given to hide the real power behind the Kiev throne : British and American Zionists. Vatican has influence ovet West Ukraine, but is playingba second fiddle.
A comedian occasionally forgets himself. His Freudian slips are a plenty, Several times already he elaborated on how post-war Ukraine will be a militarized country like Israel. With Russians being his Palestinians,
Yes, they openly talked about “Croatian scenario” for Donbass. Actually they started it in the beginning of February 2014. That’s why Putin had no other choice but to intervene for stopping it.
The preparation for the coup started in late 2013.
Sorry, I meant, in the beginning of February 2022 of course, not February 2014.
Zelensky’s talk about “retaking” Crimea is either some kind of endgame stretch out strategy or he really is unhinged. It would be interesting to be a fly on the wall at the military planning meetings for such an assault. The biggest problem is going to be that it’s utterly impossible. Even if Ukraine had the forces and could suppress the hostile population, staging an attack across a choke point under hostile air superiority is laughable. Maybe the idea is just to fire some HIMARS into Crimea to get Russia to take more of Ukraine to keep the war going.
US backing for this is one of the better ways for the US to provide support for Russia from the rest of the world (not NATO not Japan etc )
It saddens me that our leaders are so tone deaf and even clueless about how their remarks are viewed.
OMG….. The crazy lady did not learn her lesson!!!!!! Putin has said the Crimea is Russia and he will play the ‘N”card to protect Russian land!! Does the dancer wish to add large, massive & gargantuan bombs to his expectations of forcing the Russians out of Crimea…????? It is so sad to see the mostly decent people of Ukraine get afflicted with people like Nuland who are fixated on ruling the world with their insane “Full Spectrum Dominance” delusions. Russia has warned them to EXPECT nukes when trying to take Russian land. The essence of the situation is the fecklessness of the entire enterprise. Ukraine will suffer an awful fall if it crosses Putin’s explicitly delineated red lines. Man O Man, what are they thinking…??? Whatever it is I am afraid we are going to find out just how right or wrong all the various players have been when we see these lines crossed. May G-d help the sadly deluded Ukrainian people
Global “Full Spectrum Dominance” indeed. Maybe it sounds good in a Power Point presentation but the US needs to first establish “Full Spectrum Dominance” over N. Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, etc., and then move on to Russia, then China, then the rest of the world, and then I suppose the asteroid belt and all the planets. Morality aside, that a country with 4% of the world’s population can openly proclaim such a delusional objective does not bode well.
Anytime I hear Victoria NuLANDS name, my skin crawls and I feel the warmth of WWIII.
Zelenski of course got voted into power on a peace platform. The total betrayal of the working class in Ukraine is no different than anywhere else in the western world.
Its all just big lies after big lies.
It was an electoral technology. He was prepared for this role. The country was already under strict control of American advisors and neo-Nazi militants. All pro-Russian candidates were removed from the competition. Zelensky never participated in politics before and people knew him only as an actor and showman. He used pro-Russian rhetoric for the cheating purpose and it was done quite successfully.
We are suckers, we buy the lies every time. The working class have been betrayed for centuries.
The working class can rely only upon it’s own socialist party. There are a lot of socialist parties in the world but usually they don’t represent the working class.
Zelensky Says Ukraine Is Preparing to Capitulate