The US-led sanctions campaign against Russia has backfired on the West as Americans and Europeans are facing soaring gas prices, and Moscow is making more money on oil exports than it was before the war.
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, President Biden has written off rising gas prices and inflation as “Putin’s price hike.” On Wednesday, Biden doubled down on blaming Russia while also admitting that his policies have only made things worse for Americans.
“We cut off Russian oil into the United States, and our partners in Europe did the same, knowing that we would see higher gas prices,” Biden said in an address at the White House, where he called on Congress to suspend the federal gas tax.
“We could have turned a blind eye to Putin’s murderous ways, and the price of gas wouldn’t have spiked the way it has. I believe that would have been wrong,” the president added.
While denouncing Putin as “murderous,” Biden has plans to meet with Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman next month, who has been leading a brutal war against Yemen since 2015 with US backing, which has killed at least 377,000 people. Biden is expected to push MbS to increase oil output to lower global prices, exposing the hypocrisy of his administration’s policies.
Another step Biden could take to ease prices is lifting sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. But instead, the US has been ramping up sanctions on Iran. Some minor sanctions on Venezuela have been eased, but there’s still a long way to go before the South American country would be able to freely trade its oil.
While Americans and Europeans are feeling the economic pain, Russia’s oil exports are booming as China and India have significantly increased their imports of the Russian commodity. As a result, Asia has overtaken Europe as the top buyer of Russian oil, and Russia has surpassed Saudi Arabia as China’s top supplier.
Buden has a problem with logic. He iscacting like he never he never saw such a thing as war, never heard of anyone resorting to such a barbaric thing as war.
Since he knows what war is — where is the shock? Ever since Victoria Nuland engineered a coup in Ukraine — it was clear that Russian-speaking Ukraine was targeted, including militarily. It was clear as a day that the Westen disinterest in Minsk Afrernent was a declaration iof war on Russia.
So, if youbdid not want to curb your handpicked rulers, what did you expect president Biden? If it was Ukraine’s doing alone — why not let them bear the consequences ? Why this emotional? Shock and Awe over Baghdad was murderous.
So now, having entangled our country and dimwit Europeans – what exactly is the problem.
If this was worth it — man up, and say so. We may disagree and boot you out in next election. But by crying out loud do not whine over other people doing booming business. Where is tge surprise? Why blane Putin for succeeding where you failed. His explanation for the war had convinced many countries not to joun US in imposing sanctions. You Buden did not maje tge case. Do not blane Putin for war.
Wars have not bern outlawed yet. The only thing this war did that is different — it was not started by a Western country. Proving that West does not have a monopoly in the use of military in internatiinal affairs,
Indeed, they often try to hair-split that now Russia is moving national borders by force, somehow different than installing dictators or occupying indefinitely or arming repressors like the US so often does. We like our brutal dominance neocolonial, lines on a map don’t matter. Unless bad people change them.
“it was not started by a Western country.”
No west no war.
Encroachment to Russia’s borders by NATO, overthrowing the legitimate elected government of Ukraine in 2014, and arming nations on Russia’s borders is what caused it, along with Zelensky “killing his own people” in eastern Ukraine.
So, we agree.
And to set the tone, it didn’t help that Americans helped install Boris Yeltsin as well to damage Russia. And then boasted about it (Time Magazine, July 15, 1996)
Biden Again Blames Biden For High Gas Prices as Russian Oil Sales Soar
So, the Western countries confiscate $300 Billions of Russian reserves, embargo countless goods that Russia would buy, ban Russian natural resources from from being imported into the EU, send $70+ Billions in military equipment to a nation with a government installed by a Western coup that has overt anti Russian designs…. And Russia is at fault?
Frankly, If I was Russian, I wouldn’t send a farts worth of natural gas or anything else to the EU.
There there there!
It’s not Bidens fault provoking Russian Bear,
It’s not his fault not sitting down for peaceful resolution to address Russian security issues,
It’s not Bidens faulty all the hunger started to the world relying Ukraine agriculture product,
Higher petrol prices,and it’s not fault providing Weapons worth 40 B dollars.
Is this grim reaper version of Irish joke?
the high price of gasoline/diesel fuel in the US is not biden’s fault.
but everything else is his fault just as it would be trump’s fault if he was POTUS.
Does anyone else see Biden as consistently inconsistent?…
Why don’t you just say he lies like the rest of politicians…?!
It’s not very interesting… Do you work for this website in some capacity?…
I see him as substantiallly insubstantial as well.
Us IS taking in Russian oil. They r taking Russian oil by the way of Indian refinery. They could stop it by employing sanctions but they don’t.
Yet the senile embarrassment keeps repeating the mantra, like some demented parrot, that “the world” is united behind him. I despised Trump as a rude and unfocused oaf, but I have never been so embarrassed by a President as I am by Biden. He should be locked up in a senior facility, wearing a bathrobe and muttering to himself while waiting his next medication.
“It’s a small world after all… It’s a small, small world!”…
I was a lot more embarrassed by the guy who mocked disabled people and talked about grabbing women’s genitals, personally.
Call it a draw.
Did he? You mean that private conversation (supposedly) with the Bush relative? Women say far worse than that in private and with other females.
Referring to women as “females” is a sure sign of a misogynist.
And I am a woman and I don’t speak that way. Neither do any of my friends.
he said it on TV
Good for you. I didn’t like him either, but at least he wasn’t senile.
I didn’t like it when Hillary (Cankles) Clinton mocked half of the American people by calling them “deplorables”, and called Billy’s victims “trailer trash”.
I was a lot more embarrassed by the guy who mocked disabled people and talked about grabbing women’s genitals, personally.
You made my day Javy!
Americans expect everything for nothing, including efficient and safe roads that never get repaired again. Maybe that’s for the best actually.
Well no, not exactly.
We’re all taxed in some capacity, especially home and landowners.
We should get something in return for our tax dollars, and I don’t mean the “satisfaction” of funding proxy wars.
“We could have turned a blind eye to Putin’s murderous ways, and the price of gas wouldn’t have spiked”
Biden admits that it was our sanctions, and not Putin who spiked energy prices. BTW we have turned a blind eye to the Saudi’s murderous. We had a choice.
We also could have turned an eye, not blind, but without poking our eye with our own stick.
We had many choices, starting with a deal before the fighting, and we resolutely chose bungling instead.
Russia turned a blind eye to Bush/Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump’s murderous ways and ol’ Joe was part of that blind regime with Obama.
But, but, but… the Saudis are our murderous thugs. So that’s OK.
The plan was to save the petrodollar at all cost. They pump trillions in U.S. dollar and now they have to force countries to spend it.
Biden won’t have to worry about inflation after the recession hits. Germany thinks it could happen very soon.
Of course, he’ll still be blaming Putin. And voters still won’t care.
Whom else he can blame? Iran? China? He should shit blame periodically. But Zionists? Never
your left shoe is missing from under the bed-blame the z
Hi Jake:
It’s kind of a ‘rule of thumb’… If the thumb fits, wear it…
don’t gettcha
Shocked, SHOCKED he hasn’t blamed it on Trump.
He has. That too.
“We could have turned a blind eye to Putin’s murderous ways, and the price of gas wouldn’t have spiked the way it has. I believe that would have been wrong,” the president added.
Like the world turned a blind eye to the Iraq war that our former president recently equated to Putin’s “murderous ways”? Not wrong then? Taking the moral high ground should no longer be allowed
We could have seen, and done something, but something sensible instead of bungling.
JFK did in the Cuban Missile Crisis, studied intensely for many years. This time, all the same organizations that grew out of that study (NSC) simply failed — they did what they were designed to prevent.
In another article today on this website, the hypocrisy reeks
Senate Dems Press Biden to Investigate Killing of Journalist
While they ignore the persecution of Assange.
It would be very refreshing to see Biden taking, at least, some responsibility…
When there are snowball fights in hell, Donna
There’s nothing about Biden that signals refreshing.
There’s nothing about Biden that signals refreshing.
“While Americans and Europeans are feeling the economic pain, Russia’s oil exports are booming as China and India have significantly increased their imports of the Russian commodity.”
Dunno why Dave didn’t mention India is refining that US-embargoed Russian crude oil…and selling it to the US. Linked NYT article:
“Some of the oil products exported by India have been shipped to the United States, Britain, France and Italy”
The Russo-Ukrainian war has ensured the continuation of global atmospheric heating. Many countries have reverted to 19th and early 20th century methods for producing energy. The Dutch and Germans are revving up their dirty coal-fired power stations. If nuclear explosions will not get us, our Sun will for sure.
As always, history is never a chain of intended but of unintended consequences, and as always world leaders ignore that fact. At this point the leaders of Russia and NATO are committing crimes against humanity and, as always, will get away with it.
However, the largest failure lies with the world’s working men and women who still follow the pied pipers of greed and warfare on all sides. One does not have to be an expert in Marx’s views to understand the disastrous consequences.
Wrong: as the Russian oil was only 2% of total oil imports to US…!
Correct: the oil companies Greed…!
See, here’s the thing about global economics. Even if most of the oil we use or import isn’t from Russia, every nation we DO is import gas from now that oil is at a premium and they can name their price.
And that’s why they have record breaking profits.
Under Trump, we didn’t need to import oil.
what are you, high ? US has been importing oil ever since the discovery of the middle east.
Correct: Why would any company keep investing in a resource that the Bidiots say will be replaced by renewables?
Correct: Biden stopped the Keystone pipeline. Biden stopped shale production. Biden made it difficult to drill on federal land. Etc.
Correct: This is what the wackos in D.C. want.
Then why are there so many unused federal drilling permits? And Keystone wasn’t bringing oil to the US. It wasn’t due to be completed for years anyway. It would make zero difference now.
the Keystone XL pipeline could be built by the first quarter of 2023 if the Biden administration gives the go ahead.
Yeah, because what we need is another land-theft-powered corporate welfare boondoggle that diverts already ailing US refinery capacity to subsidize a state-owned Canadian company’s exports to countries other than the US.
Right. On. THOMAS!
Yes. The regulatory state has impaired refinery capacity. Refining Canadian petroleum may put more demand on refining capacity. The owners of the refineries should be the ones who decide where that capacity is used. Not the state.
At least the owners subjected to the land grab you refer to would get something back from the confiscated land. More often what happens is the state just grabs the USE of the land. For example, I own land the public road is on. I pay taxes on that land. I receive nothing in return.
Public “Right of Way” is another example. Power lines, optical cable lines and so on…. The cable company crosses my land with ugly poles and underground lines that precludes my use. Claims are that a previous owner “agreed” to this use but there is no record of such a transaction . And who would agree to perpetual use that impaired the use of ones property for $1? Neighbors who owned property when some of this ROW was instituted say they didn’t agree either.
So, perhaps an ongoing confiscation of property rights should be debated. On the other hand, you might not have electric, cable gas or even access to your home if property rights were employed. Perhaps, a better solution would be a renewable rent agreement with a time limit? Indexed for inflation (so the state couldn’t create money backed by nothing and inflate the value away). Some would pay more but property rights would be less impaired.
yes a pipeline all the way from canada to the gulf of mexico so that canadian oil can be easily exported to the rest of the world.
And it still wouldn’t make any difference if it was. Because the purpose wasn’t for US consumption. The pipeline was specifically to export Canadian tar sands oil to Nebraska and the gulf coast for processing and then international export. That crude oil is still being produced and is being diverted already to other pipelines and transport by rail.
It would alleviate future shortages and the current price of oil is based on projections, too.
Do you think they just decided not to produce any oil? Of course they did. They’re just transporting it via other methods.
the reality is that US exports about the same amount of oil that it imports, so if they really wanted to alleviate future shortages in the US then they would simply stop exporting US oil.
the reason that the newest keystone was shut down is because the part of the keystone that is already in operation has sprung a leak 21 times since it opened – because the dumbf*cks who built it either don’t know what they are doing or more likely they simply cut too many corners trying maximize their profits.
Having proxy war with Russia and complaining about “Putin’s price hike” ?
I don’t know what is laughable,
If this is not laughable
Any sane people out there to see this President,is almost in competition with the previous President.
All the indication out there that,this war should proceed to stop,and Biden should resign.
I am so glad Biden is our President. We have not had inflation numbers like we have at this moment (although most is caused by his greedy corporate friends not happy with profits made during the pandemic). He is doing his best to put blindfolds on the citizens here, hiding in plain sight our murderous ways. He is also doing his best to promote special ops in Africa by our best of the best, starving Afghan citizens (also stealing their money), hooking up with Israel and SAE. I am so glad Biden is our President.I will remain so when inflation reaches 10% and Powell still raises rates to kill of commerce.
Basic high school economics-print too much money—inflation.
Biden is projecting again that’s all.
Could have instituted a price freeze and even paid oil companies back with billions wasted in Ukraine in a losing effort.
The president admits that his sanctions caused gas prices to spike.
well then he is an idiot for admitting that because gasoline prices were already rising before he placed any sanctions. maybe if biden or any other POTUS actually gave a sh*t about americans then he/they would put a stop to the exporting of oil out of america. but that has not and will never happen because the reality is that chevron is in charge of american oil, not uncle sam.
Inflation creating divisions within the G-7.
Reuters reports that Boris Johnson is looking to stay in offcie into the 2030s. That seems like a story created out of thin air.
The breathtaking hypocritual mendacity of Ole Uncle Joe overwhelms the mind.
Inflation creating divisions within the G-7.
Reuters reports that Boris Johnson is looking to stay in office into the 2030s. That seems like a story created out of thin air.