On Wednesday, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and other officials in Jerusalem and called for a “common strategy” between the US and Israel to deal with Iran.
Citing four unnamed Israeli officials, Axios reported that Israeli officials left the meetings with Sullivan reassured that the US was willing to take a harder line against Iran if necessary and is taking Israeli views into account.
Since talks to revive the Iran nuclear deal restarted in Vienna, Israel has been urging the US to call off the negotiations, tighten sanctions, and prepare for potential military action. US officials have been accusing Iran of not taking the negotiations seriously by asking for more sanctions relief, and are warning time is running out.
One Israeli official told Axios that Sullivan made clear that the window for the talks will close by the end of January or early February and “expressed skepticism” that a deal would be reached by then.
Sullivan reportedly laid out three scenarios to the Israeli officials:
- A deal is reached within the next few weeks, and the JCPOA is revived, which Sullivan doubts will happen.
- A “freeze for freeze” agreement that would give Iran some sanctions relief in exchange for freezing certain aspects of its nuclear program
- Negotiations fail and the US implements new sanctions and other pressure on Iran
Israeli officials have made it clear that they are against the idea of a “freeze for freeze” or any type of interim deal. The Israelis claim Iran is only using the negotiations to buy time while it develops a bomb despite a lack of evidence for the assertion. The head of the CIA, William Burns, recently said the spy agency has no evidence Iran has decided to pursue a nuclear weapon.
The JCPOA talks are currently on pause but are expected to resume soon. Despite all the negative comments from the US, Iranian officials have had positive things to say about the talks. But the Biden administration’s close coordination with Israel is not a good sign that the US is serious about lifting the necessary sanctions to return to full compliance with the JCPOA.
America don’t have any scope to tighten sanctions without starting armed conflict. Iran has already made clear that if they can’t sell their oil, they’ll take action.
Remember the USS Liberty!!
And Rachel Corrie, who the brave IDF ran over with a bulldozer to destroy a Palestinian home.
She got what libtards get. The libtard is a creature who is liberal at another’s expense. When you get mugged,it is a social problem.When they get mugged,holler for the cops.,believing that they will get special attention.
“She got what libtards get.”
Jake is showing his compassionate side.
When i enter the “antiwar” den, I must be firm. Like you are compassionate, in that you can’t see why Israel is hostile to Iran.
Firm = condoning murder.
I can see why Israel is hostile to Iran.
In fact, I can see a certain amount of justification for Israel, or any other non-Persian / non-Shiite country in the Middle East to maintain a certain amount of hostility to the idea of Iran as a regional power.
But the level of Israel’s hostility to Iran is amped up to an unreasonable degree by unstinting US political, military, and financial support regardless of — or even dependent on — that level of hostility.
There’s an extent to which Israel is like a 98-pound weakling who sees someone he doesn’t like at the bar, and is sitting next to a Golden Gloves heavyweight boxer who keeps buying him shots of Jagermeister and suggesting that maybe the weakling should call the other guy out to the parking lot.
Meanwhile, your site tolerates wisecracks about the deicide.
Israel should do the job by themselves. however,as far as US arms shipments to Israel,it benefits the US,in so as it postpones a regional war will injure the US.Called balance of power. Iran’s IRG marches around a mock up of the Dome of the Rock during training-intent is clear. Iran’s religious hate cartoons-intent is clear. Blowing up an Israeli embassy-clear act of war.
In reality what US arms shipments do is give Israel the QME they need, and our laws demand, to be able carry out acts of terrorism, such as sabotaging nuclear facilities and assassinating nuclear scientists with impunity. Israel’s actual training involves joint exercises with their bought and paid for superpower that are aimed directly at Iran and they are happening in the real world of today as compared to your once again feeble examples of Iran’s nefarious actions.
She got murdered by a violent gang is what she got.
Yes, a violent gang fending off their enemies.
Gang of thieves.
I notice you didn’t deny she was murdered.
She took sides in a war.
Meanwhile, your denizens invoke Rachel Corrie,and do not mention a Mr.Dimantman,recently murdered by Palestinian terrorists.
Meanwhiile,one of your guests invokes the deicide canard, and you are silent.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the deicide canard.” Feel free to elaborate, and to point to any instance in which you believe Antiwar.com’s guidelines may have been violated.
When it comes to anti-semitic remarks, you’re correct, I am “largely silent.” I simply delete ethnic slurs of all kinds, including those against Jews, and ban chronic offenders.
As for “denizens” not mentioning a Mr. Dimantman, you are a “denizen” and just did. You get to carry your water, they get to carry theirs.
Check the first few entries. By the way,why was Corries death any more important than Dimantman’s?
Investigating unelaborated claims from someone who frequently makes claims he can’t or won’t back up isn’t my job. Either there’s something you want me to look at or there isn’t.
I never said that Corrie’s murder was any more important than any other murder.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the deicide canard.” Feel free to elaborate, and to point to any instance in which you believe Antiwar.com’s guidelines may have been violated.
When it comes to anti-semitic remarks, you’re correct, I am “largely silent.” I simply delete ethnic slurs of all kinds, including those against Jews, and ban chronic offenders.
As for “denizens” not mentioning a Mr. Dimantman, you are a “denizen” and just did. You get to carry your water, they get to carry theirs.
I’m not sure what you mean by “the deicide canard.” Feel free to elaborate, and to point to any instance in which you believe Antiwar.com’s guidelines may have been violated.
When it comes to anti-semitic remarks, you’re correct, I am “largely silent.” I simply delete ethnic slurs of all kinds, including those against Jews, and ban chronic offenders.
As for “denizens” not mentioning a Mr. Dimantman, you are a “denizen” and just did. You get to carry your water, they get to carry theirs.
You have a wonderful command of the English language.
Let me offer you a word for the day, applicable to you: degenerate..
Let me offer you a word-judaeophobe.
My Jewish friends will find your statement very amusing…
The woke,of whatever back round they are,live in a self-destructive fantasy world. The typical left winger,believes in free speech for themselves alone,and invoke invective against those with whom they disagree.
“Wokeness” is a conservative, not left-wing, phenomenon. It’s a version of puritanism.
Well.being a humble old guy,I checked on my broken down ‘puter. Defined as someone who is “aware” on social issues and discrimination.
There are times when I’m convinced you Trumper’s are a suicidal cult of complete idiots whose only real achievement is figuring out increasingly obscene ways to distract themselves from reality.
Every now and then you actually make a comment the makes sense, and then 90% of the time your TDS kicks on and demonstrates that you have lost your marbles.
The only union I back is that of labor.
As I remember, my ballot in Nov 2020, had no choice listed for “Pro Israeli and their hatred of Iran, candidates”. As far as I remember, no-one in America voted for such nonsense – so why are we getting that?
The choices might not have been listed as such but they certainly were pro-Israel and they hated Iran. At least all the ones with R’s and D’s next to their names.
Yes, this is perfect example of how US foreign policy is made. Essentially Tel Aviv dictates. And not just Mid-East. Victoria Nuland is Eurasia capo, Tony Blinken, far-East. An extremely unhealthy situation to be sure, …inevitably recalling Weimar. Somebody better come to their senses pretty soon or when the house of cards economy collapses another low-brow demagogue will come down the pike preaching that old familiar hocus pocus.
“Weimar” had an armed force which could not even hurt the Swiss army hence your comparison makes no sense to me.
What the heck are you talking about?
He is talking of external manipulation and the economy.
“3. Negotiations fail and the US implements new sanctions and other pressure on Iran.”
There is nothing left to sanction. What “other” pressure is available?
Good question…
Interesting to observe that Israel seems to be the focal point in all of this, whereas Iran gets kicked around and we all wait and watch to see where it lands.
The only true existential crisis for Israel is that USA might normalize relations with Iran, Iraq and Syria and the entire ME (that includes Israel). It would destroy the present “us against them” Israeli business model. That model requires Israel to continually create common enemies for US and itself, enemies for the USA are the most profitable things Israel has ever learned to make. For this to work,
Israel wants the US to be eternally garrisoned in the Mid East, which is hard to arrange without perpetual conflict. USA stupidly following Israel’s lead is a powerful message to all ME countries that Israel writes the narrative.
Between the two, Iran would be he better ally.
More profitable and less drain on American Tax dollars for sure.
Iran remembers the 1953 coup-they hate us.HA
China is celebrating they are making out like bandits in Iran, they have a source of unlimited cheap oil and now that the Caspian Gas Field is coming online enough Gas to supply 24% of the EU market.
Exactly the wrong message to Israel.
The right message is to stop attacking neighbors, join the Non-Proliferation Treaty, and abide by it.
Israel abide by a treaty?
“Without lies, it would be impossible to talk about peace with the Palestinians for 36 years while at the same time seizing more and more Palestinian land. Without lies, it would be impossible to claim that there is no partner for the road map, while at the same time injecting more and more money into outposts that the road map calls for dismantling. Without lies, it would be impossible to promise “painful concessions” in exchange for peace, while at the same time terming people who concluded such an agreement “traitors.””
(Akiva Eldar, 24 November 2003)
Again, a farce. The JCPOA is dead as a door nail. Obama knew when he implemented it that it would be torn up by whoever came after him. Joe “I’m a Zionist” Biden never intended to return to it, merely to use it to press for more Iranian submission and then start the war. War with Iran is inevitable (unless derailed by other geopolitical conflicts). The only question is when and how.
How could Israel believe anything these clowns say? These are the same people that gave Iran the go ahead to develop nuclear weapons, opened up 150 billion in foreign banks and gave 1.7 billion in cash to do it with less the subtracted amount that came back to the private bank accounts of the Obama administration officials. If you don’t believe it just ask yourself why pay in foreign cash dollars and keep it a secret for 4 months before it was found out.
Ah, yes — a deal that stops Iran from building nuclear weapons, on top of an existing deal that already kept Iran from building nuclear weapons, on top of a complete lack of evidence that Iran had any intention of building nuclear weapons, is “the go ahead to develop nuclear weapons.”
The cash wasn’t “given” to the Iranians. It was “returned” to the Iranians after having been stolen 35 years before.
Just keep drinking the Koolaide TK. The proof is they are one of the worlds largest investors in terrorism and we should have never given them anything. They now have 4 kilos of weapons grade uranium now and are producing more according to them. There is evidence that they will use this on Israel and every other word out of their mouths is how they intend to destroy Israel and the the U.S. Oh and by the way the 7.7 billion the Obama administration gave them in cash was not owed this is what the joint chiefs said was a payoff for hostages, but never fear according to one Iranian official 500 million was given back to the Obama officials as a “good will gesture”.
When it comes to investing in terrorism, the Iranians aren’t even on the same order of magnitude as the US.
That is correct. Would you have it any other way?
If there is any country that needs nuclear weapons for self-defense it is Iran.