Israel stepped up its opposition to the Iran nuclear deal talks on Thursday and demanded that the US and other world powers put an immediate end to the negotiations.
Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett delivered the message in a call with US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “Iran is carrying out nuclear blackmail as a negotiating tactic, and this should be answered by the immediate halt to negotiations and the implementation of tough steps by the world powers,” Bennett said, according to a statement released by his office.
Israel claims that Iran has no intention of reducing its nuclear activity back to JCPOA levels and is only trying to buy time to develop a nuclear bomb. But there’s no evidence to support the claim, and Iran has only taken steps to advance its nuclear program in the face of pressure from the US and Israel, and a JCPOA revival would reverse those steps.
Iran has said Israel is spreading lies about Iran to “poison” the negotiations. When the talks first resumed Monday, Israeli media reported that Israel warned the US Tehran is about to enrich uranium to the 90 percent level needed for weapons-grade. But again, there was no evidence to back up the claim.
With the demands from Israeli officials to halt negotiations come threats. Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz said Thursday that attacking Iran must always be an option for Israel, even if the country has to act alone.
Israel has taken extreme measures to sabotage diplomacy between the US and Iran in the past. In April, when the first rounds of negotiations began, Israel carried out an attack on Iran’s Natanz Nuclear Facility. Tehran responded to the incident by starting to enrich some uranium at 60 percent, which Israel now claims is evidence the Iranians are racing towards a bomb.
I have been suggesting that Iran should insist on negotiating with Israel rather than USA. Iran is demeaning itself by engaging with the slave who can not take any final decision.It is matter of Iran’s dignity
Good one – how about also adding to the negotiations that all middle eastern countries sign the NPA and allow vigorous outside inspections ?
Who is Israel to tell us anything?
“Who is Israel to tell us any thing?” Good question.This is a question the answer most Americans don’t care to find out. Those who know can not do any thing about it. The answer is : Israel is your master and you Americans are Israel’s slaves. Slaves are to obey master whatever it may. Live, work, fight and die for the master
With all due respect Joji, I will stand tall and I do not kneel to anyone, though I understand the point you are trying to make.
I strive for peace every day of my life and I have done so for many years.
And I will continue to do so and I will do it on my feet.
I do have sympathy for you.But realities are what they are.What ever you do on your feet will matter nothing. Again I am sorry
You are very direct, I respect that… “Realities” do have a way to driving through. I would like to tell Israel to kiss my backside though…
Hi Joji:
You have a very healthy cynicism, I’ll give you that. 😉
Why do you say it is cynicism? Is it not THE REALITY? Can you deny?
I was paying you a complement. I did not mean any offense.
Please forgive me Joji… I was actually paying you a compliment. best-donna
I do not enjoy your company Joji but I think you enjoy it very much…
Your pleasure
Like IndoPakistan are free
They are plenty. They install all neocons like Blinken in the WH and any Congressmen or Senators who do not sign actual pledges to them are rapidly defunded, opponents upfunded, media blacklisted, or even blackmailed.
The Israeli lobby is the most powerful of all, and not just in the US.
Wake up. Your country was kidnapped long ago.
Do Blinken and Biden have any pride at all? At all?
They might yet evade the Israel lobby. After all, being a Democrat, Biden’ll look pretty silly if he doesn’t get some kind of agreement signed.
Democrat or Republican. What difference it makes when it comes the Master of America.All slaves
I tend to agree with you, however reluctantly…
It is a little consolation to having to endure this humiliation in front of the entire world.
It is also bizarre to hear Israel appealing to world powers to stop Iran! And who are these powers?
Of real world powers only US can be persuaded or better put — leaned on.
Not a chance with China or Russia.
So, what is the purpose of such embarrassing appeals?
Israel wants war to bring down Iran and install a compliant regime, which they tried and failed to engineer in Syria. I think Biden understand this and wants to avoid America doing Israel’s dirty work. However if America – or Israel – decide to start shooting, Iran does have a variety of means to defend itself and retaliate. It wouldn’t be one sided.
Tragedy or absurdity? Biden wants to avoid doing Israel’s dirty work. You imply that Biden can not avoid doing or refuse to do Israel’s dirty work. That is it America is a slavedom. Israel’s slaves
Forget Blinken. He is on the other side. Biden: A slave maintained and retained by Zionists. Pride is proscribed for slaves. Just as presidents of recent past Biden Biden also excel in being a slave of Israel. Don’t blame Biden. It is a matter of existance
That’s a tempting analysis, but I reject it. The President of the United States of America can choose to act in the interests of the people of the United States, not the Zionist Lobby. It takes a set of cojones that few in Washington have demonstrated, but it is possible. Quite frankly, disengagement and neutrality in the Middle East is the only proper way forward.
Every non-polemical poli-sci analysis has the power of the POTUS tertiary at best. K St. sets policy on behalf of the Corporatist Elite. If he doesn’t act within their policy parameters, he ends like JFK & RFK.
You may reject it. Let me put up some hard facts.Elections in America is a very expensive affair. Only the Zionists have the deep pockets to finance them. It is a known reality.Right from president to the members of both houses .Biden or trump, Democrat or Republican make no difference, they are all purchased For some one watching from outside America it is really sickening to see the way in which President, members of law making bodies etc grovel before Zionists.Then next. If they can not purchase they destroy people who raise voice against them.Charles Percy, Helen Thomas, Marlon Brando,Mel Gibson.Could you protect them? Zionists do have the resources to destroy any one who are against them,And what about the trial going pedophile socialite. Where are the tapes? So don’t have any hope. Kennedy was the last president America had.
15 million Jews in the world…all powerful, all knowing, all seeing. Get back on your meds Joji
it takes more than cojones – it takes a willingness to not take the money – it takes the guts to ignore being called “anti-semetic” – it takes iron will to resist one’s spouse complaining about loss of friends, money, etc. It takes character – and if you have that – you never got far in Washington – did you?
We need a President who will grow a pair and tell Israel to F Off!!
The one who was close to that was Jimmy Carter. And he had to leave presidency after just one term. You know why!
americans don’t care about this issue because they are too busy being distracted by BLM vs whitey and righty vs lefty here at home.
Isreal needs to sign the NPT and get rid of its illegal nukes!
Waitaminit. So the United States unliaterally abrogates the JCPOA at Israel’s behest, then Israel says it’s blackmail that Iran is allegedly not complying with the JCPOA?
Am I reading this right?
And Blinken and Biden actually put up with this crap? I know they are weenies, but this is ridiculous.
You are reading right. You slaves are only allowed to read.And then you are “allowed” to send your youngsters to go fight and die in war which your master Israel will precipitate. Slaves have no choice other than obeying the master.
And Biden? Who is he? What is his business?
Blinken ? He is playing the other side.Zionist facilitator
You are one of the most obnoxious people Joji, seriously.
I raised my daughter and she does not go to fight. She has raised her son right and he does not go to fight.
Why not take a break dear and let some other folks have a chance to breathe the air?…
Could Israel just give us all the day off?
Never expect
The easy diplomatic solution to this is to let Israel write the terms of a new JCPOA agreement but require Israel to abide by the agreement also. What is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.
Brilliant Mary
It’s just plain, old commons sense.
Israel is getting way beyond uppity…I wonder what promises they got to promt this. We need to make it absolutely clear to them that if they attack Iran they are on their own.
In a perfect world…
“I wonder what promises they got to promt this”. Don’t you get it? America’s timidity and total servility to Zionism. They will go any extend will get more than what they wish or want.America has become a land of Zombies euthanized by Zionists.You have no redemption
Iran is not seeking a nuclear weapon. They seek the ability to create nuclear weapons. The ability to produce a weapon is itself a negotiating tactic without the carrying cost of actual weapons.
Well said.
God [Israel] has spoken. What are the odds of the regional monarchs committing to a BDS strategy against Israel?
The US would comply, but the others won’t.
Therefore, the talks will go on.
They will fail. The only thing that could make them succeed would be US good faith, to which Israel also demanded and got “a halt.”
Sounds like a direct order and of course the united states of israel must respond to their zionist masters.
Well, here we are:
Iran ‘Won’t Be Alone’ If U.S. or Israel Attacks, Russian Official Says!
Old news. Still hope it will be true
The American people have gotten tired of the demands, bullying, and blackmail the American government has received from the fully nuclear armed, viciously apartheid, theocracy which is what Israel has become in the 21st century.
And we have one word for you: enough!!
We will provide you no more American military to get slaughtered or maimed for life in the process of “neutralizing” all your alleged existential threats in the Middle East. And of course, as we both know, that includes all of your neighbors in the region.
And on top of that, sir, we would appreciate it greatly if the US government immediately pull all financial and military aid from your country immediately, as all this aid is completely illegal under the Symington Amendment.
We the people would like to see this accomplished and immediately, sir. The days of the host/parasite relationship between the Us government and that of Israel may well be coming to a very abrupt halt, and it is damn well about time, sir!!!
Sun comes up, Israel demands money. Sun goes down, Israel demands money. Moon waxes, Israel demands money. Moon wanes, Israel demands money. Weather is sunny, Israel demands money. Weather is rainy, Israel demands money. I sense a pattern here!
Israel will get whatever they demand. They have Jeffry Epstein’s tapes tucked away in Tel Aviv . There maybe unknown others’ tapes also, .
I would usually be quick to give Israel credit for this observation: “Iran is carrying out nuclear blackmail…”, blah, blah, blah
But since Israel is the master of the art of such blackmail, I’d seem a bit redundant!
Israel is taking the phrase “temper tantrum” to new heights.
“We will not back off from the annihilation of Israel, even one millimeter “ The spokesman for the Islamic Republic of Iran’s armed forces, Brig.-Gen. Abolfazl Shekarchi, on Saturday urged the total elimination of the Jewish state.
Stop shilling for this murderous regime. If there’s one thing we Jews have learned from history, it is that we should take our enemies at their word.
Wrong – not true at all. Try again with another lie
What exactly is “not true at all”? The quote?
of course the quote is misinformation, enough to call it a bald faced lie. Try again mr. racist hate monger
Once again…watch his lips and listen to his words:
Actually the General talks about bringing a message of ‘peace and friendship’ and never ‘intiating aggression’
Your sources lie. They are war mongering nut jobs.
By the way – you certainly would agree that every country in the Middle East should sign the NPT and agree to intrusive international inspections to verify compliance with the NPT .
Any links?
In his own words:
I see. Regime change. Something the “Zionist entity” calls for on a daily basis.
Difference between “regime change” and annihilation
Semantics. Don’t try to pretend this is one sided. And only the “Zionist entity” has nukes.
First of all it’s not semantics. I don’t doubt for a second that if the Iranians had the opportunity and could get away with it, they would murder every Jew in Israel. Israel’s only interest here is to keep WMDs out of the hands of theocratic lunatics who have clearly stated their genocidal goals, and are willing to sacrifice a few million Muslims to achieve these goals.
Oh dear! The smell of pure political panic is in the air of Tel Aviv and Washington as their attempt to deny Iran her NPT guaranteed enrichment rights completely collapses. Israel’s “nuclear weapons for me but not for thee” hubris is dead on arrival in Tehran where the price for Iran’s return to the JCOPA will soon be raised to Israel having to give up her “don’t ask don’t tell” regional nuclear monopoly and the Knesset’s ratification of the NPT. Team Blinken and our crash test dummy POTUS now face the wrath of the Israel Lobby. Thus is the inevitable fate of American politicians who try to conflate America’s foreign policies with the foreign policies of lobbyists for foreign governments.