The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) sent a representative to US Central Command’s headquarters in Florida this week, solidifying Israel’s move under CENTCOM’s area of operations.
“As part of his position, he will be responsible for coordinating joint orders between the IDF and CENTCOM, in peace and wartime, strengthening operational cooperation and exchanging operational knowledge, among other things,” the IDF said, according to The Times of Israel.
Previously, Israel fell under US European Command since Washington’s Arab allies in the Middle East did not have formal relations with Israel. The Trump administration ordered the change early this year after Israel normalized with the UAE and Bahrain.
The idea of the move was to boost cooperation between the US, Israel, and the Gulf states on Iran. “Through cooperation in training, intelligence and operational planning, we will continue to tackle current challenges, chief among them the Iranian threat. I have no doubt that the joint work with CENTCOM and Gulf countries will continue to lead Israel and its security to great achievements,” said IDF Maj. Gen. Tal Kalman, who heads the military unit that focuses on Iran.
Israel recently approved a $1.5 billion military budget boost that will go towards preparing for attacks on Iran. IDF leaders have said they are “accelerating” plans to hit Iran, and the Israeli Air Force has resumed practicing bombing Iranian nuclear facilities.
The Biden administration has been coordinating closely with Israel on Iran. Biden and his cabinet claim they want to pursue diplomacy to revive the Iran nuclear deal but have also hinted at military action against Iran alongside Israeli officials.
The cancer begins..
Began long time ago
Centcom is handed over to Israel. Why Centcom, even pentagon is under Zionist control since long time
In other words he is now in charge of targeting
Trump and Biden competing over the titles of dumb and dumber. Why not hand over the US nuclear code while you’re at it? Do we have any shred of sovereignty left?
No doubt, Israel already has the U.S. nuclear code. Israel has spies throughout the U.S. — Mossad operates in every U.S. State.
United States of Israel! They are going to drag the us into a war while the eunuchs in congress sit with hands out.
Blink and niten yaahoo must be ecstatic.
Let’s see now…. Netanyahu speaks before a joint session of Congress at the invitation of John Boehner, without Obama’s knowledge, we send billions ($38 billion over the next ten years @ $3.8 billion per year, now, Israel joins CENTCOM, or rather, influences it to coordinate the attack on Iran.
This is perplexing. How would a state that has no formal alliance treaty signed with US allowed to be a partner in US military headquarters?
If there is a formal treaty, mutual obligations would be clear. But they are not.
As it is, there is little chance US would attack Iran. Too much risk. This is not Saddam’s Iraq.
Would US start war with great powers over Israel? Let us say Israel get’s a serious set back in a war, what are options? Expanding war is risky, very risky. We have no defenses to speak off.
I am not clear what is this military posturing by Israel all about? After all, they are a small country punching well above their actual capabilities. I get it, objective is to get US to do it. But why? Is it the notion that Empire must always strike, or else looses power, and with it control of other countries. But why does Israel care? What interests does it have in the Empire? US could actually support Israel’s security by far more efficiently by having good relationship with the region. Not bullying it.
Or has it something to do with the unfinished job of annexing Palestinian lands? US must keep the war chaos, threats going, so the spotlight would not shine on the goings on there? There must be a reason.
Israel recognizes that the US is in steep decline, wounded by the Afghanistan humiliation, and embroiled domestically in a political, cultural, and economic civil war. The Israelis need to get the war going NOW, and get the US into the fight NOW, or it’s never, and the end for them.
They say they are working on the plans, but I suspect that is deception, and that in fact the plans are already solid. Now is the moment to watch for the false flag against some US facility/personnel in the region, to trigger the war.
However, it is already too late for Israel. Despite the neocon-freighted Biden regime, the Pentagon chiefs know that if they join in a war against Iran, no matter the damage inflicted on Iran, regional US military assets will be decimated. The Pentagon will therefore oppose and be unwilling to participate directly.
I suspect that Israel knows this, knows that the US will talk tough and make promises, but will not join in ***unless*** — and this is the wild card — unless the false flag is persuasive.
Lots of suspense. Will it fizzle or will it explode?
(I think: fizzle.)
hmmm. I think the US is ramping up against China so they will placate israel with egomaniacal treats to keep them on board
Israel had no representative before this guy? I’m quite sure this is just a more public flaunting of what has been true for a very long time.
“Previously, Israel fell under US European Command since Washington’s Arab allies in the Middle East did not have formal relations with Israel. The Trump administration ordered the change early this year after Israel normalized with the UAE and Bahrain.”
The F-35 yard sale that keeps on giving.