A group of 140 bipartisan members of the House is urging President Biden to seek a more “comprehensive” agreement with Iran, which means the group of lawmakers opposes a revival of the original 2015 nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA.
In a letter sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 70 Democrats and 70 Republicans said President Biden “must seek an agreement or set of agreements with Iran that are comprehensive in nature to address the full range of threats that Iran poses to the region.”
“As Democrats and Republicans from across the political spectrum, we are united in preventing an Iranian nuclear weapon and addressing the wide range of illicit Iranian behavior,” the letter reads. The effort was organized by Reps. Anthony Brown (D-MD) and Michael Waltz (R-FL).
Seeking a stronger agreement before the US gives Iran sanctions relief and returns to the JCPOA would be a non-starter for negotiations with Tehran. Iranian officials have been clear that they want the deal that they signed in 2015 and have been working to preserve since the Trump administration withdrew from it in 2018.
The bipartisan group of lawmakers said Biden should use leverage through sanctions to achieve a stronger agreement. “America and our allies must engage Iran through a combination of diplomatic and sanction mechanisms to achieve full compliance of international obligations and a demonstrated commitment by Iran to addressing its malign behavior,” the letter says.
Using sanctions to bring Iran to the negotiating table for a stronger agreement is the strategy the Trump administration tried, known as the “maximum pressure campaign.” While President Biden said he planned to revive the JCPOA, so far, crippling sanctions are still in place, and he continues to pursue the policy of his predecessor.
“We have knowledge that AIPAC was behind this letter,” said Dylan Willliams, advocacy director at the left-leaning pro-Israel group J Street, referring to the House letter. “All of these vehicles on Iran and the Senate letter on the ICC are AIPAC asks that would normally be made around their annual policy conference, which is not being held this year. However, they are still making a number of legislative asks as they usually would at this time.”
I formally request that the Islamic Republic of Iran build out an arsenal of nuclear weapons. They might as well since they are being treated as if they already have weapons. What benefit is there to remaining disarmed?
Join the U.S., Russia, China, Pakistan, India, France, and others, including ISRAEL.
There is a “comprehensive agreement”. It is called The Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, the one Iran signed in 1968 and ratified in 1970.
How much more “comprehensive” can it be??
Why did anyone think things would be different with Sleepy Joe? Why is anyone disappointed? Israel’s friends own Washington and it doesn’t matter which party is in the White House.
Iran wont negotiate with sanctions in place so any new deal is impossible. They may as well cancel all inspections & just get on with their nuclear development
True heading: “140 Israeli Lawmakers Urge Biden Not to Rejoin Original Iran Deal”…!
Iran is winning the asymmetric war against the US, so the US must (as in North Korea) disarm the enemy. Good luck on that, stupid Congress-critters!
Congress is Israeli-occupied territory.
The neocon playbook’s favorite phrases :
“wide range of illicit Iranian behavior”
“and their funding of terrorism”
“one of the world’s leading state sponsors of terrorism”
“addressing its malign behavior”
Say them enough and eventually they become truth. But don’t compare their behavior with their neighbors, or the US, because it might make that “truth” a bit harder to swallow. Now lets go kill us a general on a diplomatic mission and impose some more sanctions to kill innocents.
Every single one of these low-life so-called representatives of Congress should be tried for treason against the constitution and the people of the USA.
If these SOBs in Congress plus the neocon trash embedded in Biden’s administration which dictates American Foreign policy have their way our country is doomed!
Hard to bargain with those that are bought and paid for about things that are the paymasters problems: Or should I say wish list?
Treasonous bastards on the Israeli payroll, every one of them.
Why would Iran agree to more sanctions because of their alleged malign behavior?
BTW, regarding sanctions, Richard Nephew, who served as the top sanctions expert on the Obama-era State Department negotiating team for the 2015 nuclear deal, has joined the administration as Malley’s deputy on Iran.
. . .this from Max Blumenthal Sep 2020. . .
Nephew, ex-Obama State Dept sanctions coordinator, clinically & chillingly details how pain is the essence of the US global sanctions regime. . .click on photo to see thread here