According to a report from Politico, the Biden administration is preparing to hit Russia with major penalties over the jailing and alleged poisoning of opposition figure Alexei Navalny.
Sources told Politico that the US is planning to coordinate a sanctions roll-out with its European allies. Details of what sanctions President Biden is planning are not clear. The report said the Trump administration left behind a sanctions package that laid out options for possible punishments for Russia, which the new administration is reviewing.
The options include Magnitsky Act sanctions on individuals who detained Navalny, sanctions under the Chemical and Biological Weapons Control and Warfare Elimination Act of 1991, and sanctions under Executive Order 13382, which freezes the assets of alleged proliferators of weapons of mass destruction.
On Monday, the EU said it agreed to sanction four Russians close to President Vladimir Putin for the jailing of Navalny. The EU is expected to formally approve the sanctions in March.
Biden administration officials have been threatening to take action against Russia over a slew of allegations. Many of the allegations, like the claim Russia paid bounties to the Taliban to kill US soldiers in Afghanistan, are entirely unfounded.
While President Biden quickly reached an agreement with Putin to extend New START, the vital nuclear arms treaty, he has maintained a hostile stance towards Moscow. Besides the rhetoric and threats of sanctions, the US is also stepping up military activity on multiple fronts to confront Russia.
The US and NATO are both expected to increase their presence in the Black Sea. The Biden administration sent two guided-missile destroyers into the Black Sea for 17 days, one of the longest US deployments in the region in recent years.
The Arctic is another region where the US is looking to escalate tensions with Moscow. As part of this effort, Washington has deployed B-1 bombers to Norway, marking the first time the Scandinavian country is hosting US bombers.
President Biden has agreed to extend New START, but ominously not INF Treaty: it will be intermediate missiles stationed in Asia to control China and in Europe against Russia. The different theaters are interlinked, and there are many of them. It only takes one to start world war.
I wonder, and please correct me if I am wrong;
A civilizednation would present evidence for alleged Russian crimes and request court ordered sanctions as a penalty.
So it’s not just Trump who’s driving Russia and China into an alliance?
While we jail anyone who exposes our war crimes.
At some point Russia must have a trip wire where they no longer remain passive to extreme economic war and military buildups on their land and sea borders.
US- NATO seem to be begging for WWIII
And when they get it they will wish they had not , when it come to fighting the Russian Army is second to none , the greatest battle in the history of war fare took place on the russian Eastern front , the Red Army befeated the Nazis not america / britian contrary to popular beliefe.
A Super-Power War will rapidly escalate to a strategic exchange… Nuclear tipped ICBMs… maybe hypersonics… Game over for Humanity
The leaders are fully invested in Raytheon and the like.
It seems the Pennsylvanian teachers already have Iraqi blood on their hands.
The Navalny caper, like the Skripal one, was a US/UK invention to provide a new basis for attacking Russia because of its successes over the US/UK in Crimea, Germany and Syria (among others).
Even without the successes, the US Security State requires enemies to maintain its budgets, and the Axis of Evil — Russia, China, Iran and North Korea — are essential in that regard especially with the fabricated issues in each Enemy.
The sanctions on countries who do not follow the US “rules-based international order™” i.e. don’t kowtow to Washington cause them to react and become even more significant Enemies, all to the good for the US Security State which prefers to profit from world instability short of war against peer competitors.
We should always keep in mind that the Navalny caper, involving an individual with a two percent approval rating in Russia, like the Skripals affair and others, including the 2014 coup in Ukraine, are being done entirely by the plutocrats in Washington without any approval at all from US citizens in this “democracy” (governance by the people) which of course doesn’t exist.
>Edward Abbey: “A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against his government.”
I believe it was Edward Abbey who
said that Neocons are as old as Babylon and as evil as hell. And viciously vindictive.
And now that it is clear that they rule both parties, the neocon name lost its partisan appeal.
It is a progress — as partisanship was always a license for plutocrats to hide behind.
And indeed as old as Babylon. As for Russia, their fist taste of fighting off the Zealotry was a bit over a millennium ago. And it came back, over and over in many shapes and under many flags, and wasting generations of many nations.
But it is the bitter sense of defeat that brings them back. Now, ready to use another set of flags, ideologies, and humans — set to go for it again.
Zealotry cannot be cured. Every time it senses power its urge overwhelms any rational or even existential instincts. Russia seems to be their Cryptonite, thus forever dangerous.
There is absolutely nothing rational about this Russia obsession. Otherwise, why would US fight for keeping Europe its vassal cum ally? Today, if US wants to be the power that will shape global security for better future of this planet — it can, easily. Does not need to control Europe, or South China Sea, or Middle East. All it needs is a strategy that includes Russia and China into global security guarantees, and firms up existing international law, and have a mechanism between the three to deal with conflicts. Many conflicts would die down the moment funding that fuels them ceases. All other conflicts, including trade, would fall in place once a struggle for dominance ends, and money gets redirected into development.
But US cannot rise to the obvious advantages for its own pursuit of happiness. As it must put its flag into the service of immortal and insatiable Zealotry.
I think it is fair to say Russia / China will formally announce they are now in a military allience soon i have no doubt in my mind america / NATO will sooner or later probably sooner launch a first strike against the Russian people.
Russia will ignore the sanctions and feel ever more free to do what it wants in Ukraine and Syria. Putin has given up on Merkel and the EU as Russia gets ready to do big business with China. The EU won’t dare stop Nordstream II because they know, as Putin does, that Europe needs it more than Russia.
The US wants to stop that pipeline, and the Germans did not give that.
Why? Because the money that goes to Ukraine and Poland for gas transit fees would be lost, and the US is protecting this forced Russian subsidy of the nations it uses against Russia.
Don’t we have any sense of shame at all? Here we are, forcing the UK to keep a genuine journalist Assange (not our citizen) under solitary confinement for years, seeking extradition to the US to make the jailing permanent. And at this same time, we are sanctioning Russia for supposedly mistreating one of their OWN citizens on their OWN soil? Really?
How is whatever Russia’s govt does to one o fits own citizens ANY of our business??
A little correction to the title: Biden Preparing Major Acts of War on Russia
“Biden Adminisrtation sent two guided-missile destroyers into the Black Sea for 17 days…” Sailors are trapped ducks that would be counter attacked without mercy.
When elephants fight, it is the grass that suffers. It is the Democrats of Pennsylvania who are naive enough to think mail-in-ballots in high percentages are not susceptible to fraud. Supreme Court justice Clairance Thomas yesterday: (paraphrasing) it is unwise to use the honor system in deciding elections. I therefore ask; How is Vladimir Putin any less legitimate than Joe Biden? and by what right are U.S. citizens to impose Alexei Navalny on Russians? You don’t even listen to Alexei Navalny : He told you Big Tech censorship (being pushed by establishment Democrats) is wrong. So be consistent . If you are truly for Alexei, you can’t support the censorship & global prowar oligarchy they advocate. Hypocrisy translates well across cultures.
But Clarence also said this:
“That decision to rewrite the rules seems to have affected too few ballots to change the outcome,” Thomas wrote. “But that may well not be the case in the future.”
Not that his opinion should ever matter.
Where is CODEPINK – No War With Russia?