White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked by reporters on Wednesday night what President Biden’s plans are concerning Iran and if he plans to rejoin the nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA.
“Well, the president has made clear that through follow-on diplomacy, the United States should seek to lengthen and strengthen nuclear constraints on Iran and address other issues of concern,” Psaki said. “Iran must resume compliance with significant nuclear constraints under the deal in order for that to proceed.”
Psaki’s comments line up with what Biden said on the campaign trail and in interviews after the election. His stated goal is to work with Iran to return to the JCPOA and negotiate a stricter follow-on agreement on top of it.
Also on Wednesday, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said Tehran is willing to return to its commitments under the JCPOA if the US lifts sanctions. Rouhani’s comments came after Iran increased uranium enrichment to 20 percent, a reaction to the assassination of Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, the Iranian scientist that was killed in an apparent Israeli plot.
Psaki also said Iran will be a topic of discussion in talks between Biden and foreign partners of the US. “We would certainly anticipate that this would be part of the discussion,” she said.
One of those partners is likely to be Israel, and Israeli officials are not shy about their opposition to the JCPOA. Arab allies in the region, like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, are also opposed to the deal and hope to be consulted by the Biden administration on Iran.
As it stands, Biden’s terms might be acceptable to Iran if he doesn’t demand additional concessions before lifting sanctions. Although two of Biden’s cabinet members said during Tuesday’s Senate confirmation hearings that they are a “long way” from returning to the JCPOA.
New boss way to same as old 1 on Iran… G-d only knows how we are good with our Welfare Queen “ally” having an untold number of actual devices, but Iran is expected to totally abstain. Smacks of unfairness & hypocrisy….
And rank stupidity. As if the rest of the word is dumb or powerless. .
Something is amiss. Oh, I see — new dictionary in use.
Trumpism: Maximum pressure
Newspeak: Iran must come in compliance (better deal), then US will rejoin the deal.
Trumpism: US must get a better deal from Iran, then US would rejoin.
the stable cretin replaced by the demented cretin
You’re half right. Biden is indeed demented.
satire half is good
“an aphorism is never true—it is always half true or one 1/2 true” Karl Krauss
US will go back to the JCPOA agreement only if Iran accepts Washingtons new additional conditions. They know very well that this is a disenguineous ploy that will be unacceptable to Iran, so that they can blame Iran for it. Biden being Israels poodle has no intentions to return to the JCPOA.
Bernie Sanders has been quite critical of Israeli government. I wonder how he would have been as POTUS.
So was Howard Zinn. So is Noam Chomsky.
It is interesting that they are all Jewish.
Israel’s lap dog (another one)..
“Iran must resume compliance with significant nuclear constraints under the deal in order for that to proceed” is a non-starter. The US started the mess and the US has to start its correction, everybody knows that, or should know it. . . . And we all (including Iran) know that “follow-on diplomacy” is Washingtonese for “more sanctions.” . . .Well, we knew that Biden ain’t too bright.
Iran signed the NPT in 1968. Iran ratified the NPT in 1970. How much more in compliance can a country be??
Now, how about Israel?? Can the IAEA verify their activities??
We’ve come a long way. Now we must consult with Wahhabi terrorists that ran planes into our building(official story)before we can make decisions regarding our foreign policy. Bad enough we have to kiss the parasite’s ass.
SA should not get one weapon, bring one ship full of oil to the U.S., or one dime from the U.S.
SA is the only country created by jihad. That tells you all that is needed to know.
Note that none of the stenographers sitting in the press room outlined the well-known path to resumption of the deal: US gets back into compliance, the Iran gets back into compliance. Step for step. This is not a mystery.
We add restrictions, then more restrictions, then trigger events, just like Israel does to the “agreements” with the Palestinians.
Maybe Uncle Joe could remind Netanyahu that it was the UN that created and legitimizes today’s state of Israel so it’s time to respect that fact and start treating Palestinians like fellow human beings, you know for the sake of peace in the region.
Which was illegal. The country that became Israel did not have the requisites for that to happen.
Then 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their lands. The expulsion continues, in the OCCUPIED territories.
Britian was the creator of Israel with the Balfour Declaration in 1917/18 .
Biden is anxious to rein in Iran’s Missile technology.
Some how I find that difficult for Iran as defense is and always should be a countries right.
Correct. We spend $1 Trillion per year for “defense”.
This looks bad. It hasn’t been 48 hours and Biden’s handlers are already chucking caltrops on the road to peace. Trump strengthened the Israel Lobby to extremes never seen before and the damage of the orange golem is done.
Ah, no, this does not line up with what Biden said before. It lines up with what Trump was doing — max constraint to force a new deal that gets much more and gives much less.
It is fantasy.
Reporting that is just denial and pretend won’t make it better.
biden = senile version of trump with LGBT feathers
biden = more senile version of Trump. Trump was also senile or just plain stupid.
Well, perhaps President Biden needs a little history lesson.
In 1968 Iran signed the NPT. In 1970 Iran ratified the same. They have been in compliance. Recently the IAEA verified that Iran was enriching for peaceful purposes (power plant).
Our warring idiots are still p*ssed that they tossed the Shah, conveniently ignoring the truth that the Shah was put in after a coup in 1953. Instigated by the U.S., and approved by Ike.
Who are we to talk and attack Iran while defending Israel? The 1961 Symington Amendment prohibits US economic, military assistance and export credits to countries that deliver or receive, acquire or transfer nuclear enrichment technology when they do NOT comply with IAEA regulations and inspections.
Israel is in default on all counts and our Government accuses Iran of producing nuclear capability without ANY credible evidence, other that Israeli schizophrenia and blatant denials. Time to live up to our moral and legal standards and advise Israel to put up or shut the hell up.
There is no good will by the US, it is disingenuous in all its foreign policy. This is not a genuine move to bring the US back to the JCPOA.
If the US starts with pre conditions any talks will fail from the get go.
“amerikans are ignorant and unteachable”. George Santayana