According to a report from the Israel Hayom, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) is drawing up plans for an attack on Iran’s nuclear program.
The report said IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi asked the military for three proposals to hit the nuclear program. The Hayom did not elaborate on the proposals but did say one of them included a military strike.
The Hayom said the military option would require Israel to invest more money into its military and quoted Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz. “It is clear that Israel needs to have a military option on the table. It requires resources and investment, and I am working to make that happen,” he said.
The Israelis say they are responding to increased uranium enrichment recently announced by Iran.
Iran said they are increasing uranium enrichment to 20 percent to make fuel rods for the Tehran Research Reactor, a facility that was built by the US in the 1960s. Despite sensationalist headlines in Western media, the increased enrichment has a civilian purpose and does not indicate the Iranians are racing towards a bomb.
Iran’s parliament passed a law calling for increased enrichment after the November assassination of scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, who killed in an apparent Israeli plot. So it was Israeli aggression that ultimately led to the increased enrichment that Israel is now making threats over.
The Hayom report came a day after a minister from Israel’s Likud party threatened to attack Iran if the Biden administration returns to the 2015 nuclear deal, known as the JCPOA.
“It is clear that Israel needs to have a military option on the table. It requires resources and investment…”
Sounds like AIPAC and similar outfits will be working overtime to get Uncle Sam to fund this adventure.
Israel says lots. I would suppose Iran has a few S-300 units scattered about the enrichment facility.
Hard to imagine such a move. For one, enrichment is barely to to the requirements of nuclear medical isotopes. Second, the danger to the environment would be severe, and since no real danger exists to Israel cannot be justified.
One must remember that China made explicit promise to protect Iran, and the 20 year agreement is far reaching. Russia is implicitly supporting Iran, as any disaster would destabilize the institutions leading to potential chaos on its border. Any threat to Caspian Sea is a threat to Russia, China and the entire Central Asia. So, any such threat would be taken seriously.
Judging from the statement, Israel may must want some US weapons, and goad US to stir up trouble with Iran.
But I do not get one thing — blowback may be a more serious threat to Israel. Along with UAE it supported a coup attempt in Turkey , a real one, with tanks in the streets, and coup leaders announcing to the nation that the coup leaders are in charge. Not to mention Israeli support of PKK, Kurdish armed secessionists. Turkey has just hosted two Hamas leaders of Gaza. Israel is casually attacking Syria, causing disruption to development that is already under way. It certainly annoys Russia and other investors.
This is not the case of accidentally sawing wind and reaping whirlwind. It is sawing whirlwind.
I don’t think the Israeli attacks on Syria were casual. More like they were desperate. Israel fears no longer having Trump’s support – Trump’s sudden over reactions scared his adversaries. Israel fears any strikes it launches under Biden may lead to severe retaliation, which Biden will do nothing about.
Threatening to attack Iran if we go back to the JCPOA which would reduce their stockpile of enriched uranium which is the reason they are giving to attack Iran. This is lunatic but somehow sounds impressive to FOXNN.
Israel will not attack because they never warn anyone. They always attack without warning.
That actually makes a great deal of sense – nothing likely to happen, at least for the next year
Just as their enemies did in 1973.
Obviously making the Regime there, the aggressor AGAIN.
empty threats or fake news? amerika has been threatening North Korea for 65 years after they were humiliated by Koreans/Chinese…
Israel is digging its own Grave…!
they always talks about plans to attack Iran, and then……
nothing happens
for like 15-20 years now.
all hat and no cattle. – American saying
…..and according to Bibs with his ridiculous Road-Runner-type cartoons, that fuse for Iran’s nukes has been about to blow for 20 years. Before that he paraded the same idiocy before the UN about Iraq.
US weapons test gone wrong. Another peace-inducing weapon.
“The Israelis say they are responding to increased uranium enrichment recently announced by Iran.”
“Adding to yesterday’s media flurry on Iran’s production of uranium metal, the IAEA has confirmed that Iran is in the process of installing equipment for that production, and that the production was for civilian reasons.”
Israel drawing up plans to strike Iran = Israel working on plans to get the US to strike Iran…🤦🏾♂️
Zionist Israel without the US Military would be destroyed in an all out war with Iran – Tell Aviv would be turned into a parking lot
Hopefully it doesn’t come to that, but I have a morbid interest in the premise. What’s changed since 1948, when the Israelis defeated seven Arab armies and, arguably, the British Empire?
7 Arab armies had 30,000 troops .5000 out of that were trained standing army -trained by Britain ( Jordanian forces) rest were peasants and police quickly drafted and sent to the area earmarked for future state of Palestine . Israel had 120,000 troops drawn from Jewishs legion of Britain, WW2 veteran, militias like Stern Gangs and from communist blocks . Arms were smuggled from USA despite sanctions, from Europe and from Latin America even. Arab armies stayed in Palestine portion that was given by UN for Palestine state which Palestinian did not yet claim as Palestine state .Israel got its part and declared independence . Palestinian revolted and soon were expelled by Israel. The refugees started streaming out . To prevent this exodus Arab “armies “ entered Palestine section meant for Palestine state .
So lets see-out of a total population of 600,000 Israelis, they were able to field a force of 120,000 trained soldiers-Ha!
go and read some books . Stop blathering . Learn and educate yourelf starting with NYTimes archives.
The Jews of Israel had a population of 600,000 at the start of the war-fielding 120,000 Trained troops-pretty good fantasy.
They’ve gotten more arrogant and aggressive, and their nuclear arsenal would ensure no one “won”.
My, my how we preach from the divinely blessed king of the hill about Rule of Law, while we choose who can or cannot partake. This akin to a trump speech; mostly bs,lies,distortions,hyprocrisies,etc…You get it,right?
Israel attacking Iran. Would amount to suicide for Israel.
Israel is the only nuclear weapons pariah in the region. Put the same sanction that are on Iran on Israel.