An Israeli official said that if Joe Biden wins the US presidential election and returns to the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, it could lead to a war between Iran and Israel.
Israel’s Settlement Minister Tzachi Hanegbi, a member of the right-wing Likud party, made the comments on Wednesday night. “Biden has said openly for a long time that he will go back to the nuclear agreement,” he said. “I see that as something that will lead to a confrontation between Israel and Iran.”
Biden has said that he would work with Iran to return to the 2015 nuclear deal if he is elected president. “If Biden stays with that policy, there will, in the end, be a violent confrontation between Israel and Iran,” Hanegbi.
Hanegbi told Israeli media that he and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saw the 2015 nuclear deal as “mistaken – and that’s an understatement.”
Hanegbi also said he is not concerned with how a Biden victory would impact US policy in other areas, including settlements in the occupied West Bank, which are illegal under international law. The US considered the settlements illegal until the Trump administration reversed the policy in 2019.
What nonsense. Israel cannot take on Iran. Not even with their new friends in the Gulf. If anything — those friends are tricky, None of them wish to see their cities of skyscrapers turn back into desert. There is no way Russia or China will let Iran be defeated. It is too late for taking a war to Iran. Israel does not have strong air defense system. Just as somebody is planning how to take Iran — Iran and others in the region are planning how to disable Israel’s capabilities.
Yes, but…question is what would Washington do? On the one hand the entire pol class is a creature of AIPAC money and has to take orders from BB; on the other, Israel sympathy here is wispy thin…, tho we know too well popular opinion counts for nothing in our democracy.
A year ago Bolton had the bombers 10 minutes from target when Trump turned them around. He was only able to do that because he’s an outsider to the game, not a politician, not a made Israeli …and, for all his bombast & bluster, doesn’t at all like war and preferred to assuage them with money and toys.
You’re mistaking the sizzle for the steak. Trump’s been a political class insider his entire life, $125 million of Sheldon Adelson’s money helped him buy the 2016 election, and he escalated every war he inherited from Obama.
And all but declared war on Iran from day -100. Did in fact assassinate their general (and said to be peace envoy re: KSA) along with so many Iraqi officials that Iraq had to ask the US to leave. They haven’t. Both actions are essentially acts of war. Then there’s the attempted coup in Venezuela. I don’t buy that being rogue Americans randomly trying to take on a state. But “no new wars” goes the refrain.
I know Biden’s record. But at least for the forseeable future, his attention has to be on the pandemic, which incidentally has compromised much of the military though it’s been a long time since that was updated.
He has no motivation to antagonize Iran and I don’t think Israel can expect the US to back them up if they start a war of choice with Iran–and over what? Israel’s view of Iran is much like Rome’s was of Carthage. Axiomatically and automatically an enemy “delendum est.” It’s their distraction and excuse for continuing to take more Palestinian land.
If elected, Biden won’t have any power till January. There’s no reason to expect Trump to change his mind (or care) about the number of his citizens dying or left with lives altered. As it spreads unchecked thanks to Trump’s rallies, I’ll not be suprised to hear 1/2 M dead by the inauguration. Trump’s baseless promises to the contrary, a vaccine might be found in the spring but it could take years, as things stand, before it is distributed to make it effective. Half the electorate wouldn’t have been vaccinated were it made available now, for good reasons. But the other half may not take it when it is available, which could make it irrelevant at least in the US–the world even, if the US hoards or seizes vaccines for itself that it can’t even convince its people to take. That’s a worst case scenario, but one to keep in mind. I hope that’s not where it goes.
Adelson did get a lot for his money -Jerusalem embassy, appointed Bolton, Pompeo, the murder of Qassem Suleimani, tons of money and the latest and best Pentagon toys- and came within minutes of getting the neocon dream war. But, had it been Hillary & the LadyHawks Iran would have gone hot, and Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Bahrain, Yemen, Ukraine, and Belarus got very much warmer.
I don’t think Hillary would have gone to war with Iran because dropping out of the nuke deal is basically what led to the us to being on the verge. And I don’t think she would have reneged on the deal since it was Obama who was pres when it came about.
You’ll recall Hillary & co. pushed very hard (all the false flag chem attacks) for giving Assad the Gaddafi treatment. She had Obama at her feet when Lavrov stepped in and saved him. I think she hated Obama and Kerry. She and Brennen & Clapper and the NYT would have discovered Iranian violations (just like the Assad chem attacks) and have had at it.
I’m sure she was against it and I’m sure she hated Obama but party loyalty would have prevailed I believe. So it’s just hard to imagine the same scenario playing out if we hadn’t left the deal. And obviously we didn’t have a similar, rather monumental deal with Assad or Gaddafi so I don’t think they are fair comparisons.
On the contrary, we had everything we asked for from Gaddafi, and Assad had done sterling service as a rendition site (cf. the torture of the Canadian Maher Arar).
Hillary wouldn’t have gone to war with Iran because it would be far more complicated than going to war with Libya, Syria or Iraq. If it weren’t that complicated, Ehud Barack Obama or George Warmonger Bush would have gone to war with Iran and assassinated Ahmedinejad.
There is this comfortable assumption that if Israel attacks Iran and gets in trouble — that US would come to the rescue and easily conquer Iran.
This really was never true. The geography and size by themselves are an obstacle. But today, given Iran’s rearmament and the new geopolitical reality — it is prohibitive.
The most that US can do is hit and run, another assassination, or another attempt at framing Iran — like tanker attacks, or bombing some vulnerable Gulf assets. While it may cause commotion — hardly anything else.
Any real damage to Iran would bring damage to Israel, and US would have to decide just how confident it is from the air, land and see to start a wider war.
As Israel no longer has popular support in US as it once had — the higher the risk, the less likely will US be inclined to risk wider war.
I think Israel is trying to force US hand, and keep Iran on the defense. Making it impossible for the region from Levant to Gulf and to Central Asia to engage in infrastructure connectivity and economic development. So far, it worked.
May not be sustainable. Iran and Iraq are making plans for redevelopment to our chagrin. Syria is rebuilding without EU or US funding. Syria and Iraq will rebuild infrastructure and connectivity.
Inventing more ISIS is getting stale.
Except there are always easily fooled Kurds to start something. Like just now Turkish PKK followers in Iraq decided to take on Peshmerga Iraqi Kurds. Lovely, more tristate border regions of Iraq, Turkey and Syria to be embroiled in conflict.
Eventually, the strategy of development denial will wear itself out, as fewer agents of agitation can be found. Once Saudi Arabia exited the Islamic militancy building project — it all gets too expensive for the meagre return.
The War Party has already tried regime change from the inside with its support and Iraqi bases for the MEK. It’s been doing cyber war, and merciless economic war. Along with Mossad we murdered their six top nuclear scientists. And Iran is circled with forward bases. How could it be clearer? we have been trying relentlessly to provoke an “incident” sufficient for casus belli. When they responded to the murder of Suleimani they got it; Bolton launched the bombers, …but Trump blinked.
It seems to me impossible to miss this. And you bring up the Silk Road project which only doubles their motivation. US policy is strictly pay-to-play; and Wall St & the War Party, both significantly greased by Zionists, very much desire both issues dealt with.
they know another “Reichstag fire” will infallibly jingo popular support. And of course, it would be another NATO, and possibly UN (another Colin Powell), effort.
Meantime, as you indicate, the strategy is to keep the internecine conflicts lit.
I wish I could understand better what drives this Iranian narrative sprinkled with levity — almost as if it is only our restraint or lack there off, that is determining the fate of Iran.
Bolton ordered bombing? Trump blinked? Nice story. Neither have such authority. The “adults” — as they are called — in our Defense establishment, bureaucrats in various administrative positions, intelligence agencies, all have more to say in the matters of war.
All the standard attempts, regime change, MEK, sabotage, financial and trade sanctions, false flags — some rather massive, have been tried. And before that Iraq as our proxy led 7year war on Iran. And immediately following the end of that war — Iran Kurds were funded by Clinton to ruse against weakened Iran. But it was put down by the end of Clinton term.
Whether they are surrounded or not — is less relevant then the willingness of neighbors to step up and enter war on behalf of Israel. I do not see it. All Gulf states are highly vulnerable to missile and drone strike. Their water systems are mostly over land, not underground. Damage to water or electricity would result in unprecedented humanitarian disaster. Kuwait is out of any combination, so is Oman. Saudi Arabia was tempted with refinery attack — but stayed out of the fray.
Iraq and Iran are getting close.
But most importantly — Russia and China cannot afford US beating Iran. And US cannot afford war with either — as US has no homeland defense to speak off.
What’s driving it is the very same that drove the Gulf War, Balkan War, Iraq War, etc., the current Nat’l Sec. Doctrine of full spectrum dominance/global hegemony written by Paul Wolfowitz in ’90 (?) after the collapse of USSR and the appearance of the possibility of a unipolar world. This converged nicely with neoliberal globalisation, and, of course, Zionism.
Israel at war with Iran?
Israel can’t defeat Lebanon much less a well prepared country like Iran.
I suspect Washington will be using more diplomacy moving forward and less sanctions and covert attacks.
(Defense committee chairman Zvi)Hauser said the Middle East has changed since Biden left office in 2016. “This is a Middle East in which Iran is much more dangerous, in which its weapons and technology are much more accurate and much deadlier… This is not just Israel’s problem, but the whole world’s problem.”
The “maximum pressure campaign” that Trump brags about destroying their economy and an arms embargo apparently weren’t enough to stop Iran from becoming “much more” dangerous. Just how do they do it? We spend more on our spooks then they do on their military but yet they still manage to be able to be the “whole worlds problem”. And they have actually upgraded their weapons to “much more accurate and much deadlier”. Amazing.
Maybe Israel should agree to a nuclear-free Middle East?
Or stop the genocide themselves of innocent Palestinian children starving in Gaza and the West bank.
Obesity is a major problem in Gaza.
Self-defense is not genocide.
1939 European Jews 9 million
1945 European Jews 3 million
2012 Gaza 1.6 million
2017 Gaza 1.9 million
Not Genocide
What are the advantages & disadvantages for Israel?
Oh yes, the backwards neocon world in which Iran agreeing to limitations in nuclear enrichment and invasive inspections means that they’re going to “get the bomb.” But no inspections or limitations means that they won’t. Where’s the eyeroll emoji on here?
Iran says it wants Israel erased from the pages of history. Thousands of Iranian chant “Death to Israel!” “Death to Israel!” is printed on Iranian missiles. Iran has boasted that it helped Hezbollah & Hamas kill Israelis. Iran has offered to help anyone willing to attack Israel. That’s war mongering!
Israel wants good relations with Iran. Israel wants to buy Iranian oil & Israel wants to sell Israeli goods to Iran.
It was the Israeli REGIME, not Israel. You know, regime change. IDF wear T-shirts of pregnant Palestinian women in cross hairs with the caption “Two Birds With One Stone” underneath. Israel bombs with impunity in Syria and claims anyone underneath is Iranian militia. Not to mention the sabotage by Mossad inside Iran and the joint cyber warfare by Israel and the US. That’s warmongering. Israel wants good relations with everyone in the region as long as those folks don’t mind a little more land grabbing.
& the billions in tribute they get and expect.
The most moral army in the world. Shooting unarmed children to maim & kill in Gaza. The pinacle of madness. Can any hypocrisy top it. ??????????????????????????????????????????
Any other army would kill invaders. Is that what you want Israel to do?
What does Hamas want to do after it defeats Israel?
When the rocket attacks first began against Israel, a senior Hamas leader, Dr. Yunis Al-Astal, published an article in the Hamas journal, Al-Risala, where he compared Hamas’ al-Qassam rockets to the Manjaniq catapult which the Prophet Muhammad used against the Jews of Khaybar. The fall of Khaybar, he explained, opened the gates of the Byzantine Empire to Muslim conquest and was the first step towards the fall of Constantinople. Now, the fall of Israel, he said, would open the gates of Europe to Islam and lead to the fall of Rome.
Hamas MP and cleric Al-Astal proclaimed in 2008, “We will conquer Rome, and from there continue to conquer the two Americas and even Eastern Europe” (Al-Aqsa TV, April 11, 2008)
It’s in our interest to give Israel weapons so that Israeli soldiers will fight Hamas over there rather than needing to have American soldiers fight Hamas here.
Christ dude, find some new material. Or at least tell us how Hamas is going to get here. Are they coming via their Navy, Air Force or both?
Israel had good relations with Iran before the Revolution. It was the Iran that turned against Israel not the other way around.
And post revolution Israel has been pushing for the US to war with Iran.
Israel signed peace treaties with both Jordan & Egypt even though that meant giving up large areas of Biblical Israel. That shows that Israel values peace more than land.
Biblical Israel is irrelevant.
Why do we have to have this pro-Israel propaganda all the time?
Iran signed the NPT in 1968. Iran ratified it in 1970. Israel has nukes and has signed nothing. Never will.
The JCPOA “deal” is b.s.
If Israel’s right wing nuts think the Iran Deal will lead to war with Iran, they would rig the election in Biden’s favor.
Israel doesn’t want war.
Tell that to Bibi who has been pushing for the US to war with Iran since the ’90’s.
lol who cares what isn’treal wants? they have been shrieking “iran,’ iran iran for over 20 years.
Biden isn’t responsible for Israeli propaganda, sabre-rattling, or stupid military adventures leading to nuclear war. Cue Mel Brooks- Blazing Saddles, ‘Stop or the N****r gets it.’