US Airmen conducting drills with MQ-9 reaper drones in California this month have been sporting patches that depict a drone and a skeleton over a red silhouette of China.

The new patches suggest that the Air Force’s drone operators are preparing for war with China. According to Air Force magazine, the drills started on September 3rd at Naval Air Station Point Mugu, California, and will end on September 29th.
The drills joined three MQ-9’s with the Navy’s Third Fleet, which deploys submarines, strike groups, and other vessels and aircraft in the eastern Pacific. US Air Force C-130s are also taking part in the drill, along with personnel from the US Marines Corps.
The reapers carried out airstrikes during a mock amphibious assault on San Clemente Island off of California’s coast.
“It’s a demonstration of our capability to rapidly move the MQ-9 anywhere in the world, to unfamiliar locations, and then get out and show the operational reach capabilities of the MQ-9,” US 29th Attack Squadron Commander Lt. Col. Brian Davis told Air Force.
The MQ-9 Reapers are a staple of US bombing campaigns in the Middle East and North Africa. Chinese state media suggested the Air Force could be preparing for an assault on Chinese-claimed islands in the South China Sea.
They should have a patch that days “Coward” on it with a picture of a pimply faced punk sitting behind a joystick in an air conditioned office.
yea, and then speeded up as the terrorist grows up,into new fun jobs of killing for the military. MMM.,actually, this could be a seed of an idea for a play,. i’ve only done one- ‘wake up the white rose’ based on a american girl in the gymnasium at school with all the other kids and its salute the latest terrorist’s daddy./mommy(rah rah-or else), and then a boom, pieces of paper falling from the ceiling. Names, they all had names on them with dates. Found out later they were all names of children overseas murdered by american military drones. All over, from iraq to yemen, to aghanistan. Of course, all paper was confiscated, but for one, smuggled out to her home…i also wrote a book by that name, with my sons holding a white rose with one hand at the crack of dawn on piety hill…
wtf? This beyond the pale of conspiracist paranoia, this is reality, ugly, in your face…
This is nothing new. Potential battle scenarios are drilled routinely.
This may be a strategic leak. Cool patch.
What’s “cool” about it? The overt threat of death to a country with one or two billion people and the world’s largest standing army NOT infected by Covid at double the rate of its population?
At least they have a sense of humor.
The Reapers are full of Chinese parts. We can’t keep them flying if we go to war with China.
Probably easy substitutions can be made with parts from Vietnam, Bangladesh, Singapor, India, ect. I think creating tension with China is insane and apt to cause financial chaos in markets worldwide.
Baseball teams print out “World Series Champs” hats and shirts before they actually win so what the hell. Might as well let the pentagon do the same with an upcoming war. Won’t be any “Champs” in this game though, just dead people.
A war between Nuke Powers is absolutly out of the question unless you are ignorant as hell, suicidal or totally insane. US foreign policy is so out if touch its boggles the mind, to think we are so weak and stupid that we seem to think in military solutions only.