Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said US threats of military options against Iran are not enough, suggesting the Obama administration ought to prepare for war against Iran’s imaginary nuclear weapons program.
“Right now the Iranian regime believes that the international community does not have the will to stop its nuclear program,” Netanyahu during a visit from US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.
“You yourself said a few months ago that when all else fails, America will act. But these declarations have also not yet convinced the Iranians to stop their program,” he told Panetta. “This must change, and it must change quickly because time to resolve this issue peacefully is running out.”
Netanyahu was careful to refer to Iran’s “nuclear program,” rather than its nuclear weapons program – which is non-existent. Unfortunately for his case, it’s much harder to rally the West for war on Iran when they in fact have not even crossed any so-called “red lines.”
What Netanyahu and many of his Israeli counterparts can’t seem to grasp is that an attack on Iran would be most likely to push them towards reconstituting their nuclear weapons program, which was halted in back in 2003 according to both US and Israeli intelligence.
In response, Panetta reassured Netanyahu that the military option is on the table and will be used in the event that Tehran decides to go ahead and build nuclear weapons. He said: “all options” including military force are on the table to stop Iran, should sanctions and diplomacy fail.”
In the meantime, Washington is leading the way in a harsh set of international sanctions on Iran’s economy, which is largely harming the population without altering the policies of the regime. The sanctions aren’t so much punishment for any transgressions in their peaceful nuclear program as much as they are placating Israeli hawks.
I think we are all getting sick of watching this fat little bag of hot air constantly threatening to attack Iran and anyone else he doesn't like. Apparently it's not enough for Emperor Benjamin I to have the entire US Congress grovelling at his feet applauding him 27 times in one speech and the American taxpayer being forced to throw billions of more sheckels at his shitty little parasitic country that NO ONE but the US likes. Without the US, this tinpot "leader" wouldn't dream of shooting his big mouth off like he does without getting permanently shut. Just shut your freaking hole, you disgusting Zio-pig!
Parker. You are far too kind……….. Where is your tough love…??? Me, I would like to see Mr. Panetta make an appearance inside dog food cans at my local Stop & Shop……………. See :
The US foreign policy has been a mistake after mistake for years, if not for last 60 years, there is not a single country which would say that they have learned something about democracy from US even though US been killing their citizens by the millions. There is not a single country that would say because of US foreign policy and generosity from the US “democracy” they are a democratic country with a functioning social economic system benefitting people. From Korean to Vietnam war to bombing countries just for the hell of it, to Yugoslavia to Iraq to Afghanistan and now Syria.
US and England have created a monster, they have used and abused their illegitimate child – monster Israel to a point where US and EU have become this monster slave, obeying what they are told to do, blackmailing US and EU where Israel illegal acts been protected by US and EU for last 50 years, where Israel warcrimes been ignored by UN or vetoed by US or EU countries.., and now they want more, they simply ask – demanding for US and EU to stand in front of a coming train knowing that the train have no brake and cannot stop, wanting for US and EU to sacrifice what they have for and because is Israel, an apartheid regime with recorded brutality, war crime and act against humanity toward Palestinians.
That is why people in middle east, majority 80% of them, see US – England and Israel as the obstacle for peace, democracy and prosperity in that part of the world. Yet US and England want to continue with such policy in Syria helping feudalists and barbarians to defeat a legitimate government of Syria, refusing to see that Syria has changed and going forward, achieving democratic changes in the Syrian constitution where the majority of the Syrian people have voted for the change.., by not being able to see the changes US and EU continue making the same mistake they did in 1952 Iranians democratic elected Dr. Mohammad Mousadegh when CIA orchestrated the Coup de etta, such mistakes from Henry Kissinger time to Madeline Albright time and now Hillary Clinton time traveling around the world saying please believe us we are a democratic country, we use our militarism only when we are told by
Zionism to use it. "What is so good about this mighty army if we cannot use it”. Madeline Albright.
Excellant comment!
Painetta should be joined by Bolton. The two of them would make good buddies and, in their padded cell, they could solve the world's problems each day.
Mind you, in the American leadership there are many like them but few have woken up to them. But they will.
Hopefully it will happen before the nukes hit the fan!
May they burn in that sulphurous lake below.
The US used to be the world's superpower, before it became Israel's bitch. Once this happened, however, the US went into a swift decline, while both China and Russia ascended into prominence – financially and politically, respectively. Look at the once mighty British Empire. Britain lost its prestige and power through being Israel's bitch. There's a lesson to be learned from all this; China and Russia are growing stronger by refusing Israel's demands. We the People must assert ourselves as sovereign citizens and tell our officials to obey us, or be fired. World peace is at stake; thus, Israel must be stopped.
Hm, if what the US is doing isn't enough maybe Israel should take up the slack and do more? It's their game we're playing, let them run the ball for a while.
In the meantime, just in case war does break out and I want to publicly support the good guys in the fight, where can I get a good Iranian flag?
Is it Netenyahu's place to tell 300000000 Americans what to do? I did not vote for this guy. Yes, he is an ally and we must defend his country but we are not obligated to do his dirty work when he takes the offensive.It is difficult to see how a nuclear armed Iran w3ould pose any danger directly towards Israel.Such a weapon in their hands would be purely defensive in viesw of the potential massed against them and furthermore we don't even know if they want to have such a weapon.
Iran is only Israel's current fixation. America's entire electoral system has been corrupted by Netanyahu's Israel, AIPAC, Israel Firsters and ingenious distribution of enormous amounts of Jewish money. Our representative democracy is nearly defeated and the destruction of America as we know it well underway. Termination of the criminal treachery and treason demands immediate priority. The Government of the United States must again serve American interests, not the Jewish state's relentless pursuit of invulnerability, territorial conquest and apartheid supremacist empire in, and beyond, the Mideast.
However did we get it all so backwards? As a signatory to the Non Proliferation Treaty, Iran has an internationally recognized right to develop and implement nuclear technology. Israel rejected the NPT and has no such right. Yet, the Jewish state has ICBM nukes and openly threatens Iran; actually campaigns for war against Iran. Israel, not Iran, should be sanctioned and forced to reveal its nuclear machinations to IAEA inspection. However did we get it all so backwards?
The US should declare war on Israel!
The countries of the world can ill-afford to leave in power in a country that has nuclear weapons leaders who make such overtly hostile threats toward their country's neighbors.
It is time for regime change in Tel Aviv.
Only with Bibi's approval.
Mr. Romney criticized Mr. Gingrich for making a disparaging remark about Palestinians, declaring: "Before I made a statement of that nature, I'd get on the phone to my friend Bibi Netanyahu and say: 'Would it help if I say this? What would you like me to do?'
Israel is the sovereign exception masquerading as a state.
Then the hypocrites talk about the fictional, mistranslated threat from the Iranian figurehead to "wipe Israel off the map", when they utter threats every day and have the military means to actually carry them out. Iran recently agreed to give the West everything they wanted except a total shutdown of all peaceful nuclear energy programs, and naturally the West (defined as Israel, NATO, the US, and Arab dictators), couldn't accept that.
"Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday said US threats of military options against Iran are not enough, suggesting the Obama administration ought to prepare for war against Iran’s imaginary nuclear weapons program."
How about we have an imaginary war?
I'll point my finger at Ahmadinejad and go "bang, bang" and Ahmadinejad can say, "A touch! I do confess it. I fear I breath my last", fall down, and we can all go home again!
Problem solved.
Wow, it's awesome to see the power Israel displays to the extent that they lecture the US that thye MUST do this or that. Obama may be the president of the US but Netanyahu is the Emperor of the US.
Nutayahoo should go in himself. I seriously doubt that anyone is going to stop him.
"Why does a dog wag its tail? Because a dog is smarter than its tail. If the tail were smarter, the tail would wag the dog." – Quote from "Wag The Dog" a movie which seems to be a propaganda manual for the Empire circa 2012.
For over 25 years the Israelis have been doing their thing, "The Sky is Falling", "Iran is building a Bomb", "We Must attack Now", "Hold us Back", "How much will you give us If we Don't attack"? They have milked the US for dozens of billions of dollars over the years, which has helped their economy tremendously. Be assured that until the oil prices on the commoditiy markets shoot up rapidly, there will be no attack against Iran. The Israeli insiders will tip their hedge fund buddies to buy long before any imminent attack. It happened in 2008 and the price of crude shot to about $150 per barrel before Bush turned down their demand to assist in an attack against Iran. Ehud Barack, the present Defense Minister and former PM, has a side job as a consultant to a hedge fund and is now a millionaire. Eventually the world will start to connect the dots between all that saber rattling and the high price of oil.
Israel DOESN'T CARE if Iran develops a couple of nukes – Israel will then simply escalate to preemptive nuclear attack, something it CAN do instead of trying to hit them with conventional weapons (which won't work)
Israel wants another 1000 yrs of American aid, another 1000 yrs of the US attacking all other countries in the Middle East for it. The only way that's going to happen is if Iran gets nukes so Israel is going to MAKE SURE THAT HAPPENS