The U.S. Army suffered a record 32 suicides in July, the most since it began releasing monthly figures in 2009. That number includes 22 active duty soldiers and 10 reservists.
The U.S. government has launched a major effort to provide help to soldiers suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome and depression, hiring hundreds of mental health and substance abuse counselors and put to work the National Institute of Mental Health to conduct a five-year $50 million study and statistical analysis of suicide in the Army. All of these initiatives have so far failed.
The one policy change guaranteed to prevent the mental and emotional suffering that leads to such irregularly high rates of suicide – ending the myriad unnecessary wars, especially the war in Afghanistan – has not even been considered by those trying to tackle this problem. Politics, military dominance, the profits of the defense industry, material resources – are all apparently more important.
Last month President Barack Obama reversed the policy that denied signed condolence letters to families of U.S. soldiers who commit suicide. This was a meager and condescending gift as opposed to what could be given to these families by a change in foreign policy.
You have nothing to be afraid of.____You have no reason to hate anybody.____You should not hurt others or your self.____Our fear and hatred that once sustained us has left us in chains that bind us.____Break them and throw them down, walk in the light of freedom.____No matter how bad it is now, a path of healing can be opened to you.____You have been programmened by a Satanic Death Cult, and the first step is to aknowledge that you have been programmend by a process of Terror and lies and you need to change your heart.____You have nothing to be afraid of.____You have no reason to hate others.____You should not hurt other People.____
why is the suicide rate so high?! jesus, this needs a study. you send a bunch of semi-retarded volunteers to an illegal immoral occupation where they oppress and murder men women and children and lo and behold the perpetrators feel immense shame and guilt for their actions. shocking. it's called remorse and 99.9% of humanity feels it when they realize they've done or been part of something that's wrong. it doesn't take a genius a long time to figure out that the locals hate them and that they are enslaving others by their actions. every one who comes back from these actions should be ashamed of themselves. calling it your job don't make it right. you want to end the suicides?? stop sending our kids over there to perpetrate evil. now please mail me my 10 million dollar check.
Shame and remorse are "Mental conditions" that need to be "solved". I'm sure the military is working on a pill right now that will make it all go away.
Amazing! The same thing happened during the Vietnam war, but then the Pentagon had a convenient scapegoat – the hippies did it. The enlisted men were 'spit on' by a bunch of hippies when they came back and that ruined their lives. It wasn't the war, the endless massacres of Vietnamese villagers, the Agent Orange, no the war was all honor and pride with medals and ribbons, but they couldn't take the hippies. That was too much. That did them in. Well, here we are again, and guess what, no hippies, no spitting, just endless heroic war. What's the problem?
There American government could give a f…. how many American or NATO soldiers die in battle or kill themselfs.The main reason for the suicides are they have morals and no they are being orderd to murder innocent men women and children.The government most anyway only care about profit from the illegal wars.Soldiers need to all just refuse to fight or along with the citizens overthrough the government.Its right there in the constitution you swore to uphold that what you are doing is illegal and to overthrough a tyranical government is part of the constitution also.If these governments are not tyranicle I can't imagine a worse one actually its happening slowly but surely.Please refuse to fight better yet overthrough the criminals.They are 10 times worse than most people in jail in America and shold nbe locked up mand if they have executions thats there stupid laws now can't wait till these cowards face them.
The instant they decided to have a "study" was when the troops suffering from PTSD and other brain and mental injuries, knew that the higher-ups didn't give a rat's ass for their problems. As Generalissimo X says, sending, let's call them average kids to a war zone where there is no sense of right and wrong just begs for this kind of reaction. Average kids are not mentally equipped to handle the dichotomy of being told they are fighting a just and moral war against "evil-doers" – god, I hate that term… – and realizing that what they are actually doing there is not just and decidedly not moral. As the Colonel says…"They can't handle the truth!!!"
And the last thing the military wants to do, which they would HAVE to do if they were serious about stopping the climbing rates of suicides, is to admit the truth of what we are doing there and why we are there to begin with. Not the "official" version of going after those who struck us or "spreading democracy" because that's just bullshit but the real truth. Someone in the USG knows the real truth, just got to find who they are and get them to squeal.
The number of suicides WILL CONTINUE TO BREAK RECORDS!! Do you know why? Because, as stated above, "hiring hundreds of mental health and substance abuse counselors" will result in a further increase in the prescribing of antidepressant drugs. These drugs are the CAUSE of the increasing number of suicides! Don't believe me? Check out ssristories dot com and search for the article, "The Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America" by Bruce E. Levine. And those who commit suicide are just the tip of the iceberg – for each suicide there are many others who become mentally ill, i.e., psychotic as a result of those drugs but don't go as far as kill themselves. This is absolutely, unbelievably stupidity!