“It’ll be interesting to see what somebody like a Rand Paul has to say about this,” said President Obama, referring to the Vienna accord between Iran and the P5+1 powers. In an interview with New York Times columnist Tom Friedman, Obama averred:“I think that if I were succeeded by a Republican president — and I’ll be doing everything that I can to prevent that from happening — but if I were, that Republican president would be in a much stronger position than I was when I came into office, in terms of constraining Iran’s nuclear program.” Obama added.
Paul broke the suspense a few hours later. And, to be sure, it wasn’t very interesting – at least not in the way the President thought it might be.
In a brief statement posted on his Facebook page, “libertarian-ish” GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has come out against the recently signed accord between the P5+1 and Iran, which would restrict Iran’s nuclear program to peaceful uses of nuclear power. Here is his statement in full:
“The proposed agreement with Iran is unacceptable for the following reasons:
“1) Sanctions relief precedes evidence of compliance, 2) Iran is left with significant nuclear capacity, 3) it lifts the ban on selling advanced weapons to Iran
“I will, therefore, vote against the agreement.
“While I continue to believe that negotiations are preferable to war, I would prefer to keep the interim agreement in place instead of accepting a bad deal.”
This comes as no surprise, as the Senator has long been abandoning the anti-interventionist stance adopted by the movement started by his father and which his own campaign has depended on for contributions and boots on the ground (so to speak). It does, however, cross a red line for many libertarians, who have wanted to give Paul the Younger the benefit of a doubt. And one wonders at the paucity of his statement in opposition to the Vienna accord, which is wrong in every particular.
“Sanctions relief precedes evidence of compliance” – this assertion contradicts the actual text of the accord, which clearly states:
- “The UN Security Council resolution endorsing this JCPOA will terminate all provisions of previous UN Security Council resolutions on the Iranian nuclear issue – 1696 (2006), 1737 (2006), 1747 (2007), 1803 (2008), 1835 (2008), 1929 (2010) and 2224 (2015) – simultaneously with the IAEA-verified implementation of agreed nuclear-related measures by Iran and will establish specific restrictions, as specified in Annex V.[1]
- The EU will terminate all provisions of the EU Regulation, as subsequently amended, implementing all nuclear-related economic and financial sanctions, including related designations, simultaneously with the IAEA-verified implementation of agreed nuclear-related measures by Iran as specified in Annex V, which cover all sanctions and restrictive measures in the following areas, as described in Annex II:
In short, sanctions will be lifted when the Iranians have upheld their part of the bargain and this is verified by resident IAEA inspectors, whose presence in Iran will be continuous for the life of the accord.
Sen. Paul’s second contention is equally baffling:
“Iran is left with significant nuclear capacity.”
Patently untrue: the Iranians have agreed to cut their uranium stockpile by 98 percent: furthermore, they’re locked into an enrichment of a mere 3.9 percent, way below what would be necessary to create a nuclear bomb. And they will no longer have the centrifuges required for the enrichment process: they’ve agreed to reduce their working centrifuges from nearly 20,000 to 6,104 – and those remaining are outmoded, inefficient, and in the event the Iranians would try to use them to produce highly enriched uranium would soon be identified by on site inspectors as in violation of the accord.
Paul’s third objection, that the agreement lifts sanctions on sales of advanced arms to Iran, is frankly absurd. What sovereign government would ever agree to such sanctions? The answer is: none. And, again, the sanctions on any and all items listed in the agreement will not be lifted until IAEA inspectors verify compliance.
Writing in the Atlantic hours after the Vienna accord was announced, neoconservative David Frum, a former Bush speechwriter, gleefully predicted that the Iran deal would spell the effective end of Rand Paul’s presidential ambitions:
“In the middle of Obama’s tenure, Rand Paul achieved for himself a standing within the GOP that eluded his father by focusing less on international security and much more on domestic surveillance. So long as Congress was debating NSA and TSA, rather than Russia and Iran, Paul found a considerable constituency inside the party for his distinctive ideology. Now the spotlight shifts to Iran, Russia, and nuclear proliferation. Paul will either find himself isolated with the old Ron Paul constituency—or he’ll have to find some nimble way to jump to the ‘anti’ side of the Iran deal. (Perhaps he will emphasize the slight to Congress it represents?) If he opts for the latter approach, however, he becomes just another Republican voice among many competing to voice their opposition, and one less powerful and credible than, for example, Ted Cruz will be.”
While Frum is wrong that supporting the deal would’ve confined Paul to his father’s constituency – polls show 65 percent of Republicans supported the negotiations, and a third support a deal – he is dead right about the consequences of Paul opposing the deal. The “libertarian-ish” Senator from Kentucky is just another Ted Cruz, albeit less loud (and with less book sales) than the Canadian performance artist-cum-poltician.
Yeah, he could’ve been a contender….
Politicians know that when it comes to Iran facts are never necessary. Rhetoric is all. I don't think his father would ever have made claims/statements like these.
I always consider him the Jerry Springer boy.
Ron Paul on the other hand is a noble man.
Jerry's lot smarter than Rand.
Correct !
But he's his own man – he says.
Rand has finally jumped the shark and completely self-destructed. I hope Justin is done supporting him for good. There is no longer a reason to support Rand over any of the other second-raters trying to rule over us peons. Time for him to pack it in and attempt to keep his Senate seat – if he can.
Leo, America does not need politicians what it needs is real crazy American patriots like Jesse Ventura…
Ventura for president.
I can't believe that Americans would "celebrate" a deal with Iranians saying death to America as recently as this week, and Americans still being held prisoner there. All I see is Iran will have a lot more money to possibly express their hatred towards America
I notice they didn't give any credit to America for this "trust" and only their own president. I think any thoughtful person will consider this deal with some trepidation because it increases the possibility of money flowing to terror activities. Maybe they will get along with everybody but there better be increased vigilance, for OUR safety.
Thanks to anti-War.com editors for your consistently clear-headed analyses of current events, including comments by political candidates. Rand Paul did not help his candidacy with his ill-informed opinion that Iran possesses “significant nuclear capacity”. There is no empirical evidence to support this contention. Rand Paul spoke as he did because (1) he is not well -informed; (2) he is kow-towing to the Zionist Lobby in exchange for election funds. Either and both of these liklihoods disquailfy him as viable.
Lets get Jesse Ventura into office!
Anam – Rand didn't just "not help his candidacy," he blew it up. Further, the Zionist Lobby has no intention of giving him election funds. They don't give money to candidates who are dead meat.
Iran is merely dickering over the terms of surrender with US led Coalition.
While totally defeated and beyond the brink of bankruptcy what is probably the most pragmatic rulers of Central Asia and Middle east are doing their best to say Iran is still Iran and lets make some money while we can.
The religious sector is all that mattrrs in Iran and while they pay lipservice to the masses it is but even more a statified a society with their own 2% owning nation.
Iran will fall but its religious leaders wil retain some ass kissing part of Europes good doggy bones reward systems to all who betray their cultures.
LOL what?
my thoughts exactly.
It is always about poverty not religion! The so called Iranian Islamic revolution took place when the Shah regime starved the majority of Iranians practically to death.
Like in Turkey there is a conflict between country and big cities – means people's opinions and lifestyles differ dramatically.
On the other hand, Mr. Hide Behind, many metropolitan Iranians only pay lip service to the mullahs.
According to Peter Hitchens, there may be hope for Iran. "The difficult question is how best we might nurture it."
I don't think it will hurt him at all. It's more likely that it will help him win the primaries and obviously he stands zero chance if he doesn't do that. He will still be able to shift his position after the primaries to come across as the least hawkish candidate. Also I think that it's easy to overestimate the number of people right now who are actually worried about our foreign policy and most of the people who rank it as their top concern are republicans. For many Republicans this would actually be the deal killer if he supported it. They have the "Iran = evil" line hammered into their heads over and over by Faux news and they buy it, hook line and sinker.
We see polls all the time showing that the majority of people are in favor of this agreement but that says nothing about how much they actually care one way or another. It's easy to think that everyone cares as much as we do about foreign policy but sadly most Americans, outside of the far right, don't really care all that much about it right now. The number of US soldiers being killed is low enough right now that it doesn't really register on their radar. The loss of civil liberties is a bigger issue for most people right now and that is an issue that republicans and democrats care about.
I'm disappointed that he has taken this stand but not surprised at all. He loves pandering to the right. However at the end of the day he will still be the only person running who is close to a libertarian. Will I vote for him? Probably not, but then again I don't give my consent to be governed over by Washington anyway and it would take a very unusual circumstance to change my mind on that.
I agree. He has had to walk a tightrope since day one of his political career. People are always b*tching and moaning that he doesn't live up to his father's standards, but let's be honest: his father's standards costed him several elections. I think on the matters that are TRULY important, Rand's on the right track. He often gets blasted by "libertarians" who want a perfect candidate, because he'll throw the hawks a small bone, here and there. On domestic spying, following the constitution to the letter, and the principles that make our country great? I think he's as strong as ever.
If he'd have endorsed anyone but Mitt last campaign, every scumbag republican senator would have been completely uncooperative with every fillabuster he made. By backing McConnell, he also got himself a strong ally, if even temporarily. It's a constant balancing act for him to get the core of his father's platform through, remain his own man, and negotiate the rocky waters that are his fellow republican lawmakers.
Right on, again, Justin. From frontrunner to 4%.
Hasta La Vista Rand. (You never made my list of possibles anyway.) Inconsistent is inconsistent and you are consistently, inconsistent!
Hasta La Vista Rand. (You never made my list of possibles anyway.) Inconsistent is inconsistent and you are consistently
Baffling is right. How many hands does this man have up him?
Hands? Bibi always has both hands on that ticking-bomb poster.
Another grovel by Rand. The only thing he left out in his crawling was a mention of Israel. That will no doubt be coming out tomorrow. Ambition should be made of sterner stuff. Or at least more intelligent fact based opposition.
Yeah, he could’ve been a contender….
Sad. Paul and "Socialist" Sanders can't overcome the Lobby.
or do any of these guys even have an opinion?
The Paleocons will now join the Progressives and support Bernie. We're done with Rand; he wants war with Iran for israel's benefit-just like the rest of the GOP field.
Well unless Paul's positions become more visibly in line with his father's, this "Palecon" will be voting 3rd party like Gary Johnson. There's no way I'm going to vote for someone as economically ignorant as Sanders. nor am I going to support someone who gives the party line answer to questions about Israel.
Frum is right for once. Rand will never get in Jennifer Rubin's bed. He should have stuck with getting the 28 pages out in order to reorient American understanding of 9/11 and put his enemies on the defensive. If he doesn't want an agreement that curtails Iran's nuclear program then what does Rand Paul want? Perpetual hard hitting sanctions that hurt the Iranian people and war? If he doesn't like the agreement then what does Rand propose to do if it passes or does not pass Israel occupied territory (Congress). The only other option is war. Does he really want to be the Republican vote that sunk the US into another multi-trillion dollar war? His political ambitions are more important to him than the US avoiding another foreign policy catastrophe. He probably didn't even really read the agreement because he figured he would get a pass on making up stuff in rejecting it by the media and get points from the Neocons. He probably had that post written out just waiting to hit submit when the deal was made in order to stay atop of it.
Rand Paul has proven to be a disappointment after disappointment.
This latest announcement of his is just another neo-connish pandering to The Lobby.and the crazed Republican war mongers.
It will not help his campaign, and probably consign him to the bottom of the list.
The "bottom of the list" is going to be very, very crowded.
There's no way Rand will get into the debates now. Jeb, Trump, Rubio, Walker, Cruz, Christie, (and surely others), are all ahead of him. Rand may still poll higher than Lindsay Graham(cracker) though.
Surely the fat one can't be polling higher than…any of them? Well, maybe Linsdey-boy…or Perry?
He had an opportunity to distinguish himself from the rabid mad dog war mongers (or mongrels) who comprise the GOP field . He squandered the chance and any shot he may have had, however remote, of winning the nomination This particular acorn fell very far from the tree
I’m officially done with Rand Paul or defending him as the least worst of the Republicans. At least Trump is a total narcicist and won’t go along with neocon plots unless he wakes up feeling like it that day. Trump v Sanders 2016!!
Rand Paul is just another millionaire war monger who doesn't deserve the time of day. He couldn't draw flies to a presidential campaign rally. Bernie Sanders foreign policy stance might not be that great but at least he is able to generate some grass roots excitement.
the role that Sanders will play is to defuse and co-opt the grass roots
into (grudging) support for a major party candidate. http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/07/15/chris-hedg…
Can you PLEASE stop this bromance with Rand Paul now?
And send the memo to Walter Block, too. Supporting Rand is the same as supporting the evil and reprehensible Mitch McConnell.
Cruz, a powerful and…credible…voice? Ha! I'll take Rand over some Canadian lawyer,, Harvard "educated" no less, any day.
Rand can still change his mind. He has in the past, where he disagreed with his father. I hope he will again.
Ron Paul is a nobody vote for Jesse Ventura!
Rand Paul might as well withdraw from the race. He supported the TPP and now he is just another zionist stooge.
Why doesn't he just run as Hillary's bitch?
b!tch. (You ACTUALLY CENSORED this word?????)
Rand Paul's opposition to the agreement is a real disappointment. Thought he might be someone I could feel good about voting for. There doesn't seem to be a decent candidate out there. A sad state of affairs.
Most candidates know they can't pee off the Lobby,and by extension the MSM, to have a chance at the White House. A wise move by Rand Paul. The Sunday Morning talk show hosts will now go much easier on Rand when he appears for interviews.
Once in the White House, if elected, most of that patronage/homage can be cast aside, and he'll do what he knows is right.
I am done with Rand Paul. None of the announced candidates for POTUS are in the least bit appealing. A sad state of affairs.
Rand has some good qualities. Unfortunately, he is spending his campaign taking advice from the weather vane.
Even the simplest creatures in the great oceans of the world would not consume the putridity of "political plankton" candidates listed on the electoral ballot for President of the United States next year.
Are these the only options we have left as a nation?
There is another choice; a declaration of liberty from all Americans who are sick of the self-serving elitists and war mongers in Washington, DC. It is resolute and the most powerful act of the citizenry.
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016, the people must write-in, "None of the Above" when they cast their vote. it is an implied referendum that explicitly proclaims that We the People have no confidence in the corrupt political party system any longer. Do it for yourselves, for your fellow patriots and for the future of your loved ones.
Well, we see his true colors don't we?
Hillary has come out in support of the deal and Rand against. Two liars.
Rand Paul and the LP both ought to go choke on a pretzel. He’s a weakling and a halfwit.
Pretty much. I consider anything correct or sane from any politician or wanna be a freak accident, and I find that the LP is no exception to that. Rand is worse than the LP, and the only reason anyone cares about him is because of his vastly superior but Quixotic father.