Anonymously cited US intelligence sources claim the Syrian military has “locked and loaded” chemical nerve agents inside aerial bombs, as the Obama administration reiterates chemical warfare as its “red line” for military action in Syria.
“The military has loaded the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs that could be dropped onto the Syrian people from dozens of fighter-bombers,” NBC reports US officials as saying.
“As recently as Tuesday,” however, “officials had said there was as yet no evidence that the process of mixing the ‘precursor’ chemicals had begun.”
The Obama administration on Wednesday again repeated a vow to take military action against the Syrian regime of Bashar al-Assad if it uses chemical weapons to crush the armed rebellion trying to overthrow it.
“Our concerns are that an increasingly desperate Assad regime might turn to chemical weapons, or might lose control of them to one of the many groups that are now operating within Syria,” said Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday.
“We have sent an unmistakable message that this would cross a red line and those responsible would be held to account,” she added.
But some wonder whether these reports are being blown out of proportion. The Russian government on Tuesday claimed the West was knowingly overstating the threat from the Syrian regime’s chemical weapons stockpiles, adding tension to the geo-politics surrounding Syria’s civil war.
“I take these reports with a large grain of salt,” writes Middle East expert Juan Cole in reference to the risk of Assad deploying chemical warfare on the Syrian rebels.
“Chemicals would be difficult to deploy against a guerrilla movement of the sort the Baathist government of dictator Bashar al-Assad is facing,” Cole explains. “Moreover, Syria’s mixed population makes it difficult to use chemical weapons on rebels without killing Alawi Shiites and other groups that so far have largely been an underpinning for the regime.”
In addition, despite how desperate Assad might be, it’s unlikely he views chemical warfare as in his best interest. The only thing worrying the Assad regime more than the rebellion is the prospect of some kind of US-led bombing campaign or invasion, which the US has vowed to engage in if chemical warfare takes place and which could undoubtedly topple the regime. Assad isn’t about to attract that sort of attention.
“Last time this happened,” writes Bilal Y. Saab, Executive Director of the Institute for Near East and Gulf Military Analysis in The National Interest, “worries that chemical attacks on rebels or the civilian population were imminent ended up being unfounded.”
It’s unclear as well what the Obama administration is prepared to do in the unlikely event that Assad uses chemical weapons. Tens of thousands have already died in Syria’s bloody civil war, and the administration has not militarily intervened.
This is primarily because they lack feasible military options. A no-fly zone is likely to put more civilians at risk, and bombing the chemical stockpiles would be about as bad as Assad unleashing them on his own targets. If the US were to move in with ground forces to secure the weapons, it would take at least 75,000 troops, a huge commitment that a war weary American population isn’t about to condone, especially since any limited mission to secure the weapons would lend itself to mission creep and eventually turn into regime change, which would eventually turn into a long and bloody occupation costing hundreds of thousands of lives à la Iraq.
Oh, this is rich! Que the drum roll please……. Cuz now the DC DeathStar, AKA Pentagon, is gearing up for action.
He got those from Saddam I can report "anonymously ". That is why CNN and FOX with NYT can't find those stockpiles…….
I don' think chemweapons have a shelf life of 10 years.
I guess it depends on what you mean by chemical weapons.
Sarin (for example) degrades pretty quickly, which is why it is made as a binary agent with the ingredients actually mixed shortly before delivery.
Mustard, on the other hand, is so persistent that to this very day you'll now and again hear about some French farmer cutting down a tree and breaking out in blisters, etc. from the sap where the agent has been sitting since World War One.
Probably the same anonymous source that says Iran is building Nuclear weapons!
noting that Syria may be moving such weapons so they do not get into the hands of potential international terrorist organisation!
Also Syria may not plan to use such weapons on its own citizens but may like Israel and its Nuclear weapons use it on a country that attempted invasion!
Propaganda for American domestic consumption obviously, since most of us here at the other side of the pond and the rest of the free non-anglo-american world knows, or will find out as soon as this piece of sh*t reaches the headlines, that chemical warheads has two containers that activates and mixes up at impact, not by accident or manually.
As President Assad has said, if attacked directly by outside forces (israel & it´s western slave states) chemical weapons will be used, hence the urgency and desperate attempts, by NATO to neutralize them.
This is complete chaos…
Apparently the 'real' "bombing" could theoretically start any time now……
Also, this 'new' "development":
"The Syrian military is prepared to use chemical weapons against its own people and is awaiting final orders from President Bashar Assad, U.S. officials told NBC News on Wednesday.
The military has loaded the precursor chemicals for sarin, a deadly nerve gas, into aerial bombs that could be dropped onto the Syrian people from dozens of fighter-bombers, the officials said. "
seems beyond absurd… This is what passes as justification to bomb a nation back to the stone age now? Unconfirmed “stories” and “concern” about what “might” happen. How is this information even credible? How could/would the Obama Administration have this kind of detail? Has anyone with access asked these questions in a public, transparent, format?
Arial bombs have been loaded with the sarin 'precursor chemicals'…they just have to be "mixed"…at which point the military just needs to receive the order from Assad to gas the "Syrian people"–many of whom support him–then, I assume, the next step would be to arm the bombers, a pilot would have to turn the aircraft on, accelerate down a runway, successfully take off, and proceed to find "Syrian People" to bomb indiscriminately. WTF? Is this even a "new" 'theory'; or has Mossad suspected this 'Arial bomb' status for the past 20 years or so? Is the only real 'change' Mrs. Clinton's clairvoyance and ability to know what's going on in Assad's mind right now…i.e. his ''new' "desperation" after 20 months has finally reached a tipping point now that the US elections are behind 'us' and all the NATO and Pentagon bureaucratic red tape has been cleared???
What is this 'concern' even based on? I'm fairly sure the US does not know definitely if these "chemical weapons" even exist… And no one in the lame-stream, much less the US Congress, seems to even be curious about all of these issues–and at the moment there now happens to be a US Aircraft carrier positioned right off the Syrian coast, loaded with: "10,000 US fighting men, 70 fighter-bombers and at least 17 warships, including the three Iwo Jima amphibious craft, a guided missile cruiser and 10 destroyers and frigates. Four of these vessels are armed with Aegis missile interceptors,”
And Syria in no possible way threatens US National Security–as they have no capability of doing so–and the current Syrian President has no history of being an aggressor to any nation–even after being invaded multiple times by other nations…
This is insane…
and Assad has no reason at all to "bomb its own people" because the huge majority of Syrians stays behind him! (see demonstrations at…
And poll made by its enemies, the Arab league, showed 55 percent support for him. Now after two years of massacres and destruction of civilian infrastructure it is expected he has 75 % support of his people. Virtually nobody wants the sent in foreign killers and their US puppets to rule Syria and install a Sharia state with Muslim Brotherhood, the new local repression partner of USA for the region.
Only Assad would assure a peaceful together of all religions, ehtnis groups and foreign refugees in the country.
Wasn't this anonymous the same anonymous who told the world that Iraq is just about to deploy the atomic bomb to north pool wanting the world to be destroyed blaming it on south pool…? It sounds like him if is not him.., but then again.., I think it was Bush and his state department Madam Rice, or it was the other Rice or that Rice whom was at the UN said the same thing to Hillary Clinton which this anonymous who lives alone in London saying it publicly wanting the bigger "TRUTH" to be told no matter the costs or the consequences, a truth that needs to be repeated by CBC, NBC, CNN, and all other, a truth that Syria just made the deal of a life time with that bigger but more lesser evil the evil which not wanting to buy the this evil weaponry…., because they already have the atomic and the chemical and the zombies, even this anonymous himself been there and seen the big foot walking and talking to Imam Morris in Tahir Square in Tel Aviv and in Paris…, my question is: where these anonymous are usually produced, they are not made in China that I am sure of, but they might be made by one of those New Yorkers in Dallas or Charleston DC…? Look up the map you geeks, you probably will see his face hidden somewhere in Roanoke VA…, hospital.
If the Syrian military really deployed their chemical weapons arsenal it's because they are expecting a foreign invasion any day now. THAT is what's missing from the lamestream media reports. The Syrians know something that our media is still trying to hide.
The fairy tales about how "Assad will soon gas his own people" have no more credibility than the stories about Gaddafi "threatening to massacre his own people" in 2011.
It's amazing how Obama isn't even going to wait until the beginning of his 2nd term before going to war.
This also means that war with Iran will begin in Spring 2013. Knocking out Syria and Hezbollah was always the 1st step before the bombing of Iran can begin.
Apparently the 'bombs' mix the 'precursors' all by themselves? Possible, I guess. But is that specifically even tech they're 'known' to have sitting around? Make Hilary, Leon, etc. prove that it is! If it were true, who sold that to them? And if they even had that tech, and they're even 'arming' some, what freaking idiot just up and buys who they say its target would be? Hasn't 'killing his own people' (and, amazingly: 'he's agonna') already become de facto code for 'we'd like to bomb them?' What's up with 'the West' tilting at its former torture hirelings (Libya, Syria) anyway? Did they start saying no?
Did the experts burn themselves out discrediting the 'nuclear' graph? Awfully easy, quick, and satisfying, wasn't it? Is this what it was to distract from?
"WTF? Is this even a "new" 'theory'; or has Mossad suspected this 'Arial bomb' status for the past 20 years or so?" Teehee! Too right…
The US is really desperate to destabilize Syria before it attacks Iran on behalf of it's master.
Please pass me that salt, Juan Cole! An anonymous American source? Now, that's really credible!
False Flag Attack.
Remember the famous attack on the German radio station by Hitler using using SS men in Polish uniforms?
Or the Gulf of Tonkin incident?.
It's not chaos, it's highly organised.
It has been clear for some time that an attack using their Jihadist paramilitaries would be made using gas in mortar rounds or shells as a pretext for an attack.
But of course the US. would actually supply the poison gas.
Like all the other attacks on villages and massacres in towns which has been made so much of.
In US Army speak, its an "unconventional warfare" !
See details at
Key-reasons and powers behind the attack on Syria:…
At this point, the war appears unwinnable for Assad.
Perhaps the best thing he could do for his supporters is to step down while negotiating for a rump "Syria" centered around the Russian naval base.
However, I expect the Pentagon war hawks want to deny Russian that base. And the Obama-Hillary, John Bolton et al sect want total war no matter how much more blood will be spilled.
It is quite likely the US government is refusing to allow Assad any reasonable way out, and with no option but to fight to the death.
"unwinnable for Assad" ?
not at all in opposite !
This current "chemical weapons red line" in NATO media comes up, because the USA/NATO/Saudi mercenary terrorists are killed as they come into Syria. The hit and run-tactics do not longer work. Desoite good urban warfare training and weapons the now can hit once, but no longer run.
So USA needs to prepare a real war using the Libyan tactics: Total destruction of the Army (carpet bombing:
, and then let the own "rebels" in without fighting, to film the deaths.
The NATO-rebels already tested Turkish weapon chemicals – for terror use or … a false flag massacre to blame Assad and get the "right to attack Syria". Since US war mongering media prefers death children, you may subsume gassed Syrian children soon instead of these two rabbitts:…
BTW: I guess you missed some basics about this hidden USA guerrilla proxy war against Syria:…
Glad 2 read basically no one reading this propaganda believes it. Can't believe AntiWar even posted it. This type of planted false articles promotes war and does nothing to prevent it.
Smoking nuclear mushrooms! So after Syria is destroyed and the weapons inspectors move in to justify Amerikan war crimes against the Syrian people, is Dear Obama going on television to do a 'Bush inspired' comedy routine about "missing wmd's?"
Juan Cole? Did anyone ask the quisling Professor how he feels about that Libyan intervention motif now?
The inspectors will find medical-grade nuclear material in a hospital and Obama will call it Nuclear Weapons. And a paint factory will have warhead-ready Volatile Organic Compounds. He will crow about how he saved 10,000 lives (after he destroys 100,000).
As for Juan Cole: he is still listed as a contributor to
If Chemical weapons wind up being used– and I think they will, so as to avoid the no-wnd mistake that alienated a portion of Americans regarding the Iraq war — our illustrious rulers can raise the specter of terrerism:…
I also want to mention that Russian warships docked at their Syrian base in Tartus yesterday… I think this one of the important elements to keep in mind and take into consideration here…
As I mentioned before, this is not a 'joke' "situation"……
I wish the Russians got into this really seriously and stopped the modern crusaders in their tracks.
Does that usnews photo look shooped or is it just me?
Anyway, the ships are landing ships. And holy frack, are they old:……
As this something that is peddled by the liars in Washington, one should not even bother to read about it.
They told me Saddam had his WMDs, Iran has nukes, Gaddafi had imminent genocide planned, now chemical weapons in Syria. Some sort of pattern there.
Let me ask Colin Powell, George W Bush, Hillary and Bill, Condi or Susan Rice, maybe Obama himself. I'll get to the truth somehow. Meanwhile, get ready — bomb them anyway just to be on the safe side!
There is no bomb there is no mixing, they said the same thing about Iraq and now they are doing the same thing…, look they are after to conquer and occupy the entire middle east and central asia.., this has been the plan since world war 2…, look up the history.., read Pau Wolfowitz and his gang of
Bush-ism, the Neo Fascism, Dick Cheney and all the others. All this is about not having a functioning democracy at home, nor wanting it, nor for statusQ going to bring to you.
There is no bomb there is no mixing, there is however lots of lies by the non essentials and professional liars who don't have any other life but lying. Those are the controlled media as CBC CNN NBC and all others alike, their job is not to have a life but to tell stories that they are told to repeat, Like that Anderson at CNN with his zombi looking reporter from pentagon and that, "Former CIA" and rest of the CNN gang of used car salesmen wanting you to buy their UGO girl car. Come on guys go get alive, a real one, you are faked and its all over your face when you tell lies all day and night.
After Iraq, no on should listen to any report based on 'anonymous intelligence sources'. Any reporter relying on such sources should be fired. If a news organization reports based on such sources, you should never listen, read nor watch that news source.
These are the same lies that killed more Americans in Iraq than OBL killed on 9-11. Not to mention killing many more non-Americans. Ideally, the liars who killed more Americans than OBL should be prosecuted. And at the very least, the American people should break out laughing at such reports now.
"…should be fired"? They should be fired upon in a firing squad for enabling such war crimes as Iraq, Libya and Syria.
I suspect the threat and response here is reversed. Syria is loading chemical weapons to deter the threat of invasion or extensive bombing.
Report: Syria has loaded chemical weapons into bombs.
Report: Iraq's Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction.
As I repeatedly stated here, the entire purpose of the Syrian crisis is to justify a US/NATO air attack on Syria to destroy Syria's missile arsenal and supporting infrastructure so that Israel can attack Hizballah in Lebanon via the Bekaa Valley in preparation for the Iran war.
Now the US is gearing up to do it using the "chemical weapons" nonsense as a justification. Expect a "false flag" chemical attack in the near future or at least the accusation of a Syrian chemical attack. They've spun every other story out of Syria, why not a fake "chemical attack" to justify the war?
We don't need your garbage here. Your are writing this garbage for the last three years at 'the race for Iran'. You have to bark another 5 years before you stop working on public opinion like a zionist.
Anonymous US OFFICIALS: shut up LIARS. How many times the world should witness your fabricated 'evidence'? How many times the world should watch your terrorist pawns destroy a muslim country? How many times your WMD should kill millions of civilians? And you sheeples stay silent. Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Somali, Mali, Syria Lebanon, Palestine… are not enough. You must be shipped to ICC, a whore house of the West..
If any chemical weapon is used the world know the United Fascists of America is responsible for this fabrication to frame a foreign leader who is not Your puppet.
People of the world must know that RUSSIA SOLD SYRIA FOR CONCESSIONS to terrorists in the congress. The zionist stooges in the house normalized RUSSIAN TRADE.. Putin is a liar.
the "false flag" chemical attack is already in its final state:
Two rabbitts already killed in an experiment with Turkish weapon chemicals:…
and this is by far not the first time of Turkish weapon delivery to Syria and Turkish troops in Syria:
"Journalist Almost Assasinated for Exposing Turkey Delivering Weapons to Syrian Insurgents"
by SyrianGirlpartisan
good odds the Turkish military will revolt against an all out attack on Syria
Erdogan is a fool.
Yes I also heard of huge demonstrations in Istanbul against Erdogans war against Syria. Of course here at antiwar and other warmongering media it has been censored. I did sent the video of this huge demo, but they did censor it here.
PENTAGON — U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta said intelligence reports suggest the government of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is considering using chemical weapons against advancing rebels.
Now we know who that "anonymous" is…, he just blowup his cover and he is an ugly looking one. But the funny part of it is that he says…, that rebel are advancing…., but he cannot prove it because now that he is no longer anonymous he has to go back and become anonymous again to confirm what he is saying.
haha! what they fail to also note is that these so-called rebels are amassing inside Turkey and NOT in Syria.
heh. They are invaders awaiting their marching orders. Obomba and his political experts use war as choice and the choices are quickly escalating to show NATO is checkmated now for 6months
what a fraud article ! "desperate Assad " is mentioned two times. Those, as antiwar-only readers, who are not informed, that it is NATO who is desperate, because all their foreign fighters they have sent to Syria are killed on a daily base, could believe it. They Syrian army even reports of problems to bury so much fighters.
GAS against Syrian people? This is the biggest fraud ! Assad had 55 percent support in a poll made by it enemies of the Arab league. And today 75 percent the Syrian people are exected to support Assad, because noone wants those foreign killers, looters and extremist Islamists as puppet government of USA. There is no motive at all "to kill its own people" ! Complete nonsense, but repeated day by day. This is how Hitler-like propaganda works.
See the huge Pro-ASSAD demonstrations all over Syria at
Key-reasons and powers behind the attack on Syria:…
Turkey is delivering chemical weapons to the NATO-rebels in Syria !!!! ->…
NATO-rebel fighters already are testing chemical weapons in Syria. Chemicals come from theTurkish supplier TEKKIM.
Turkish weapon delivery and troop presence within Syria is not new at all:
"Journalist Almost Assasinated for Exposing Turkey Delivering Weapons to Syrian Insurgents"
by SyrianGirlpartisan
Seems very unlikely. Using chemical weapons is not for amateurs and hotheads. The first dead one on the belgian front was a german…
Also, why do they need Potassium Chlorate? Seems dubious.
this guerrilla war is planned and conducted by pentagon professionals – not amateurs! They have specialists on the ground. Many French, British and Turkish officers, even pone general have already been captured.
They are conducted via satellite supervision, sat-mobile phones and command&control laptops. Also the very clever selected infrastrucuture destruction speaks US Army language. As in any proxy guerrilla wars they did provide – e.g. Bosnia, Kosovo, Libya -any US war.
Most fighters are very experienced fighters from Afghanistan, Libya and many of the less experienced got urban warfare training in Turkey, Kosovo and other Arab states.
There are only a few Syrian fighters, since no Syrian would damage his country in such an extent and kill its own people.
I do not know, if other substances can free the chlor in it. The video also may show just a storage of many chemicals – including ingridients for explosives. They constantly use car bombs and are destroying critical infrastructure.
If ther US says it, it's a LIE.