President Barak Obama told reporters on Monday that any use of chemical or biological weapons in Syria would be a “red line” for his administration, prompting direct military intervention in the civil conflict in Syria.
“The red line for us is if we start seeing a bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized,” Obama, speaking in a surprise appearance at the White House press conference Monday, said. “That would change my calculus.”
So far, the calculus has been to support the disorganized, unpopular, criminal and terrorist rebel groups trying to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad, but to hold back on any direct military engagement inside Syria.
“We are monitoring the situation very carefully, and have put together a range of contiengency plans and communicated in no uncertain terms with every player in the region that is a red line for us,” Obama said.
Some of those other players, including Turkey, seem to be pressuring the administration towards direct military intervention or at least a no fly zone. Current policies in place remain the administration’s official approach, although the President did authorize increased humanitarian aid to Syrian refugees.
Death RACE Part 1000.Directed by Obamiates.,WHITE HOUSYWOOD.
It goes without saying (literally, unfortunately), but the President and his handlers have ZERO authority to use military force in Syria. The jackasses.
NB: Chemical weapons aren't true WMD. Various studies show they're not necessarily much more efficient in killing than high explosive.
Oh!… So now the ghost of WMD's past has been resurrected once again? How pathetic.
Does that redline apply to the US as well? How about Isreal?
WMD used to refer to nuclear weapons (weapons of mass destruction}. Now it means Whatever the Militarists Demand, as an excuse for their next invasion, occupation, or regime change.
We have seen this excuse in Libya just last year, in Iran for many years, and now Syria, formerly a waystation in the US worldwide torture network.
He really is earning that Nobel Peace Prize aint he?
The British SAS 'liberated' some chemical weapons precursors from Libya. Watch out for sudden discoveries of such precursors in Syria.