Secret Documents Reveal Former US Official Aiding Gadhafi

Former assistant secretary of state David Welsh advised Gadhafi on how to beat US, NATO, and the rebels

Top secret documents from the Muammar Gadhafi regime were smuggled out of Libya’s intelligence headquarters by al Jazeera which detail meetings between former assistant secretary of state under George W. Bush David Welch as late as August 2, 2011.

Welch was the man who brokered the deal to restore diplomatic relations between the US and Libya in 2008, and now works for Bechtel, a multinational American company with billion-dollar construction deals across the Middle East.

The documents provide the minutes of a meeting in early August between Welch and Gadhafi officials in which Welch advised Gadhafi’s team on how to win the propaganda war, suggesting several “confidence-building measures.”

The documents appear to reveal Welch, an influential US political personality, advising Gadhafi on how to beat the US and NATO, including advice on how to undermine the rebel movement and capitalize on its reported ties with al Qaeda. He mentioned potential assistance from foreign intelligence agencies, including Israel.

The documents read: “Any information related to al-Qaeda or other terrorist extremist organisations should be found and given to the American administration but only via the intelligence agencies of either Israel, Egypt, Morroco, or Jordan… America will listen to them… It’s better to receive this information as if it originated from those countries…”.

Welch also advised Gadhafi’s regime to take advantage of the current unrest in Syria.”The importance of taking advantage of the Syrian situation particularly regarding the double-standard policy adopted by Washington… the Syrians were never your friends and you would lose nothing from exploiting the situation there in order to embarrass the West.”

Welch suggested that, as a solution that many in the Obama administration would find agreeable, “[Gadhafi] should step aside” but “not necessarily relinquish all his powers”. This advice contradicts public statements from the White House that Gadhafi must step down.

According to the document, as the meeting closed, Welch promised: “To convey everything to the American administration, the congress and other influential figures.”

A spokesperson for the US state department said that David Welch is “a private citizen” who was on a “private trip” and that he did not carry “any messages from the US government.”

Author: John Glaser

John Glaser writes for